About element references

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About element references

About Element References

There are two types of Reference elements

When you add an element:

you may add other elements, also - for example: when you add a Line, it also has a Point* at each end.

you may need to select other elements when you add a more complex element - for example: when you add a 2D-Cam, you need to select a Part to carry the 2D-Cam.

* Points : start-Point and end-Point are the Reference elements of a Line.

To delete an element ...

To delete a Reference-element you may need to delete those elements that can only exist with the Reference-element.

The Delete Dependents is a warning that is a list of those elements you will delete in addition to the Reference-Element - if you click OK.

The Reference Elements dialog


To open the Reference Elements dialog

1.Click an element in the graphic-area or the Assembly-Tree so that it is in Selection-Window

2.Right-click the element

3.Click Show Element references in the shortcut-menu.

Example 1: Reference-Elements of a CAD-Line:


Its reference-elements are simple - there is a Point at each end of the CAD-Line - its Start-Point and End-Point.

The Point22 is the start-Point of the CAD-Line

The Point25 is the end-Point of the CAD-Line

Example 2: Reference-Elements of a 2D-Cam


Its reference-elements are:

those elements that in the model before you can add the 2D-Cam - a Profile and a Part

The other Reference-Elements are:

those elements that you add to the model that need the 2D-Cam to exist in the model ( e.g.: you may add a Polyline to the 2D-Cam).