How to rename an element

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How to rename an element

Rename Elements

When models are more complex, it helps to rename elements.

After you rename an element, you can identify the element-type from its icon. The icon is to the left of the element's name in the Assembly-Tree. And, if you select the element, to the left of the element's name in the Selection-Window.

There are three(3) methods to rename an element:

Method 1: Name the Element with its dialog


STEP 1: Open an element's dialog

1.Double-Click the element-name (in the white box) at the top of the dialog

2.Enter a new element-name - e.g. CRANK-LENGTH

3.Press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Unfortunately, not all element-types have a dialog with which you can rename the element.

Method 2: Rename elements in the Element-Explorer

STEP 1: Do the Windows® method


1.Click, pause, click the element-name in the Element-Explorer.

The element's name should be  blue .

2.Enter a new element-name  

3.Press the Enter key on your keyboard

Unfortunately, not all element-types are in the Assembly-Tree.

Method 3: Rename dialog

This method applies to all elements you can click in the graphics-area, Assembly-Tree, Geometry-Tree, and Kinematics-Tree.

STEP 1: Open the Rename dialog

Shortcut menu 

Shortcut menu 

1.Click an element in the graphics-area, or the Element-Explorer, so that it is in the Selection-Window

In the Selection-Window:

2.Right-click the element-name that you want to rename

3.Click Rename element in the shortcut-menu

The Rename dialog is now open.

STEP 2: Enter a New Name to replace the Old Name

Rename element dialog

Rename element dialog

1.Enter a New Name - e.g. CRANK-LENGTH

2.Click OK-tiny-11-15 to close the dialog.