Edit | Auto Rebuild

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Edit | Auto Rebuild

Edit > Auto Rebuild

See also Rebuild Now

Auto Rebuild is a toggle button.

Auto-Rebuild - enabled


The model should be up-to date - see also Top-Tip below.

However, it is slower to add new elements when the model is large or complex.

Auto-Rebuild - disabled


The model will not be up-to-date. It will not rebuild with all commands - see also Top-Tip below

However, it is faster to add new elements


To make sure a complex model is up-to-date:

1.Click Rebuild Now.

2.If enabled, click to disable Auto Rebuild, and then click again to enable Auto-Rebuild.

3.Move the Master-Machine-Angle to 0. Do ALT+H or Run menu > Home.

4.Edit a Part, then exit the Part-Editor. This also rebuilds the model.

5.If there is a 2D-Cam in the model, edit the 2D-Cam, then close the 2D-Cam dialog.

6.Click Rebuild Now again.