Explore the User Inerface

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Explore the User Inerface

MotionDesigner: Main User Interface

Note: to reset the MotionDesigner interface if it does not display correctly: Drag its vertical left-side a small amount.

MotionDesigner Terminology:

Term :


Segment :

A motion is divided, or split, into segments. Different segments are needed to satisfy multiple motion-design requirements in a machine-cycle.

Blend-Point :

A Blend-Point is at the start and end of each segment. Blend-Points bind segments together, so that the motion flows from segment to segment.

Each Blend-Point has a motion-value at the end of a Segment and a motion-value at the start of the following segment.

Motion-Law :

You must select a motion-law for each Segment to suit the motion-design requirements, and/or the dynamics of a machine. Each Motion-Law is a mathematical function. The Motion-Law, together with the motion-values at the Blend-Points, control the motion-values between each Blend-Point.

Motion-Derivative :

Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk are the first, second, and third motion-derivatives of Position. Simply, the gradient of a graph is its motion-derivative. The gradient of Position is Velocity, the gradient of Velocity is Acceleration, the gradient of Acceleration is Jerk.  

Segment Editor :

Use to edit the Segment-Width, select the Motion-Law, edit the motion-values at the Start of the Selected-Segment and at the End of the Selected-Segment.

Blend-Point Editor :

Use to edit the X-axis of the Blend-Point, the Y-axis motion-values at the End of the Previous-Segment and at the Start of the Selected-Segment.

Selected-Segment :

The active segment. It is a different color to the other segments.

Previous-Segment :

The segment immediately preceding (to the left of / earlier than / before) the Selected-Segment.

Next-Segment :

The segment immediately following (to the right of / later than / after) the Selected-Segment.

Blend-Point Symbols

Each Blend-Point has one(1) X-axis value. It is the machine-angle, or time-instant, on the X-axis when a segment ends and the next segment starts.

The symbol for a Blend-Point is a small diamond. The diamond is actually two triangles.


Blend-Point - two triangles to give a diamond shape. Each triangle represents the end of a segment and the start of a segment.


Active Blend-Point - has a red, or orange, outline, at the start of the red Selected Segment.


The Start of a Segment. This symbol may be Green, Black, Clear, or Grey.


The End of a Segment. This symbol may be Black, Clear, or Grey.

Note: to increase the size of the Blend-Point symbols, see Active-Motion-Settings > Accessibility > Line and Symbol Sizes > Symbol Size.

MotionDesigner User Interface


MotionDesigner :

Red-14-1 Toolbars & Motion-toolbarRed-14-2 (below graphs)

Red-14-3 Motion name-tabs

Red-14-4 Machine Speed - see MechDesigner > Machine-Settings dialog

Red-14-5 Motion-Evaluator at Pointer.

Red-14-6 Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk (P.V.A.J) Motion Graphs

MotionDesigner:  Float or Dock.



Click to Float

1.Click MechDesigner > Visibility toolbar > Dock / Float MotionDesigner.

MotionDesigner is now floating.

The first time only:

2.Re-size and re-position MotionDesigner.


Click to Dock

1.Click MechDesigner > Visibility toolbar > Dock/Float MotionDesigner.

MotionDesigner is now docked again to the right of MechDesigner.

MotionDesigner: Toolbars

MotionDesigner toolbars

MotionDesigner toolbars


Blend-Point & Segment toolbar


Edit toolbar


File toolbar


View toolbar

Motion Toolbar

Motion toolbar


The Motion-Law SelectorRed-14-1 is in the Motion toolbar, below the graphs.

Click the drop-down list box, to show the different motion-laws that you can select for each motion.

Many of the Motions can be configured with parameters.


Motion-Width value is below the graph plots.

Motion-Width = total width of all Segment-Widths.

Typically, the Motion-Width is 360. equal to the range of the Master Machine Angle.


To review EVALUATED Motion-Values at a Machine-Angle:

At the bottom of MotionDesigner application :

1.Edit the Machine-AngleRed-14-3 to a real value

2.Position, Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk Values are evaluated to the right

Note: Evaluated Values are exact values at the Machine-Angle

Motion name-tabs

Motion name-tabs

Motion name-tabs

Motion name-tabs

The default motion names are Motion0, Motion1, Motion2, ...

Rename Motion

1.Right-click a Motion graph or its Motion name tab

2.Click Rename in the pop-up

3.Enter a new name

4.Click OK

Motion-Values at Pointer Evaluator

GST-Motion-Values Preview

To show motion-values at a Blend-Point, or a point on a graph:

1.Move your pointer to a motion graph, or to a Blend-Point

The X and Y motion-values for the graph will show next to your pointer.

Note: You may need to increase the Line-Thickness (of the graphs) and increase Symbol-Size (of the Blend-Points).


Motion Graph Area: is where we plot the four important motion-derivatives: Position, Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk.

Motion name-tab: is at the top of the graph. In this image there is only one name, which is the default name.

Selected-Segment : is Red.

Y-axis Units : to the left of the graph of each motion-derivative (P V A J)

X-axis Units : below the graphs

Machine-Speed : below the X-axis and graphs in Red.


Machine-Speed is set in Edit menu > MechDesigner, not in MotionDesigner

To edit the colors: Edit toolbar > Active Motion Settings > Accessibility tab
