Where is the Spin-Box in the Segment Editor/Blend-Point Editor?

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Where is the Spin-Box in the Segment Editor/Blend-Point Editor?

Where is the Spin-Box tool in the Segment and Blend-Point Editor?

In the Segment Editor and the Blend-Point Editor, it is convenient to edit motion-parameters with the Spin-Box tool.

However, the Spin-Box tool may not show at the right-side of the motion-parameter.

To show or hide the Spin-Box tool


If the Spin-Box tool is not to the right-side of a motion-parameter:

1.Double-Click with your mouse-pointer in the data-box.

Again ... MT-NO-Spin-Box-DC1

The first time you double-click, the Spin-Box does NOT show.


2.Double-Click again with your mouse-pointer in the data-box.



Now the Spin-Box should show.