MotionDesigner Reference & User Interface

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MotionDesigner Reference & User Interface

MotionDesigner: Main User Interface

We update the MechDesigner model for you immediately as you use edit a motion in MotionDesigner.

MotionDesigner (Click to Expand or Collapse)

MotionDesigner (Click to Expand or Collapse)

MotionDesigner :

BT-24 Blend-Point and Segment, Edit, File, and View toolbars

BT-2-24 Motion name-tabs - see also Rename Motion

BT-3-24 Motion-toolbar

BT-4-24 Machine Speed - edit in MechDesigner > Edit menu > Machine-Settings

BT-5-25 Motion Values at Pointer

BT-6-24 Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk (P.V.A.J) Motion-Graphs.

MotionDesigner: Float or Dock


MotionDesigner is docked to the right of the application-window when you start MechDesigner.


To Float MotionDesigner :

1.Click MechDesigner > Visibility menu / toolbar > Dock / Float MotionDesigner

MotionDesigner is now floating.

2.Re-size and re-position MotionDesigner.

We remember the size and position for you when you float MotionDesigner again.


To Dock MotionDesigner :

1.Click MechDesigner > Visibility toolbar > Dock / Float MotionDesigner

MotionDesigner is now docked again to the right of the application-window.

BT-24 MotionDesigner: Toolbars

MotionDesigner toolbars

MotionDesigner toolbars


Toolbar Expand / Collapse bar (x4)


Blend-Point & Segment toolbar


View toolbar


File toolbar


Edit toolbar

Motion toolbar is below the graphs

BT-2-24 MotionDesigner: Motion name-tabs

4 x Motion name-tabs

4 x Motion name-tabs

In the image, there are four Motion name-tabs - to give four motions.

Motion0 - this is the name of the default motion.

Motion1 (2,3,4, ...) these are the default names for motions that add with Add Motion.

Y Axis and X Axis - these two motions have been renamed.

See Add Motion and Open and Append

See also: How to Rename a Motion

BT-3-24 MotionDesigner: Motion toolbar
Motion toolbar

Use to :

Select a Motion-Law for a segment

Confirm the width of a Motion - Motion-Width

Evaluate the Motion values at a Machine-Angle.

See more: Motion toolbar

BT-5-25 MotionDesigner: Motion-Values at Pointer

MT-Motion-Values Preview

Motion-values at your pointer

1.Move your mouse-pointer above a motion graph plot-line, or to a Blend-Point.

The X and Y motion-values show near to your pointer.

See also: Motion-Value Evaluator