Elements in the Graphics-Area

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Elements in the Graphics-Area

Elements in the graphics-area

In the graphics-area, different symbols represent different elements.

Edit the size of symbols with Application Settings > Accessibility tab > Graphics > Symbol Display Size

Edit the color of symbols with Application Settings > Graphics tab > Display Colors > ... element types

Element Symbols


Planes and Axes in the Model-Editor workspace.

There are three, fixed Planes in the Model-Editor.

Triad: Red(X-axis), Green(Y-axis) and Blue(Z-axis)

The axes intersect at the Global Origin of the model.

They use the Right-Hand-Rule.

Planes and Axes in the Mechanism-Editors workspace:

Note: to see Planes in Mechanism-Editors: Show Solids in Mechanisms

The smaller Red(x), Green(y) and Blue(z) axes are a Plane's axes.

The origin of the green, rectangular Part-Outline, which is the Base-Part (see below), is coincident with axes of the active Mechanism-Editor and Plane.

They use the Right-Hand-Rule.



Part-Outline : the term for the symbol of a Part you add to the model.

Red-14-1 Oval Part-Outline : symbol of a Part that you add to the model.

Red-14-2 Rectangular Part-Outline : symbol of the Base-Part.

The Base-Part is the frame of the active Mechanism-Editor.


Part-Outlines:  solved and not-solved Parts

A Part is solved or not-solved. To analyze the kinematics of a Part, you must make sure it is solved, when the Part's mobility is zero.

A Part that is solved has a Mobility of zero. The Part-Outline changes color - usually a type of GreenRed-14-1b* in these tutorials.

A Part that is not-solved has a Mobility greater than zero . The Part-Outline is usually a type of BlueRed-14-1b* in these tutorials.

* Green and Blue are the colors in this Theme. See also Application-Settings > Graphics tab > Display Colors


Pin-Joints in the Mechanism-Editor

A Pin-Joint is a joint between Points in two different Parts. There are two symbols for a Pin-Joint:

Red-14-1b a Pin-Joint that joins a Point in a moving Part with a Point in the Base-Part is a GST-PointSymbol symbol.

Red-14-2 a Pin-Joint that joins a Point in a moving Part with a Point in a different moving Part is a circle, slightly larger than the symbol for a Point.


Slide-Joint in the Mechanism-Editor

A Slide-Joint is a joint between two Lines - or one Line in two different Parts. The symbol for a Slide-Joint is:

Red-14-1b a narrow rectangle along the Line in one Part

Red-14-2 a wide rectangle along the Line in the other Part

Red-14-3 an arrowhead, in the positive direction of the slide-joint


Part-Axes in the Mechanism-Editor

The symbol for the Part-Axes is small in a Mechanism-Editor.

The Axes of the Base-PartRed-14-1b are at the Origin of Mechanism-Plane

The Axes of a PartRed-14-2 you add to the model are at the start-Point of the CAD-Line.

The CAD-Line and +X-axis are between the start-Point and end-Point of a Part.


Part Axes in the Part-Editor

The symbol for the Part-Axes is large in the Part-Editor.

The X-axis is collinear with the CAD-Line

The Y-axis is at +90º on the Mechanism-Plane

The length of the CAD-Line maybe longer or shorter than the X-axis.





Sketch-Element and Point Symbols

In a Mechanism-Editor, the color of Point symbols are the same as the Part-Outline to which they are a child.

In a Part-Editor, the color of Point symbols are dependent on if they are Fully-Defined or Not Fully-Defined.


Point Symbols

+    : center-Point of an Arc or Circle

+-- : center-Point that is merged with a start-point or end-Point

CirclePlus-- : center-Point that is coincident with a start-Point or end-Point

O-- : start-point or end-point of a Line or Arc

PointSymbol-- :  Enable Lock and Edit in the Point Properties dialog.

See Point Properties dialog.


Kinematic Vector Symbols

Enable Show Velocity Vector and/or Show Acceleration Vector in the Point Properties dialog.

Each vector arrow shows the direction and magnitude. See Feedback Area > Vector Scale buttons.

See also: Application-Settings > Graphics > Display Colors


Function-Block, output-connector, input-connector, and wire Symbols

Red-14-1b Function-Block - an icon that represents its function.

Red-14-2 Input-connectors - to the left-side of the Function-Blocks.

Red-14-3 Output-connectors - to the right-side of the Function-Blocks.

Red-14-4 Wires that connect Function-Blocks from output-connector to input-connector.


Force Vectors, Torque Vectors, Motor Symbol

, the Motor-Symbol is the Power-Source.

Red-14-1b Force-Vectors - action/reaction at the joint of a Part

Red-14-2 Torque-Vector - Application-Load at the joint that is the Power-Source.

Red-14-3 Motor - at the joint that is the Power-Source

See also Configure Power Source


Spring Symbols

The Spring FB element has three symbols in the graphics-area:

Red-14-1b FB - see below Spring FB connectors

Red-14-2 Spring - between the anchor-points

Red-14-3 Dimension - between the anchor-points.


Ball-Joint and Connecting-Part Symbols

The Ball-Joint has its own symbol.

Edit its radius in the Ball-Joint dialog.

The Connecting-Part symbol replaces the Part-Outline when you join a Part to a different Part with two Ball-Joints.


Mass Symbols

Red-14-1b Profile Mass - each Profile has a GST-PointSymbol symbol at its Center-of-Mass.

Red-14-2 Total Mass - at the Center-of-Mass of the Part with its Total Mass

Total Mass on EACH Part = Mass of CAD-solids + MD-solids + User Defined Mass Properties


2D-Cam Contact Points

When you add a 2D-Cam, you will see the contact points between the Cam-Profile and the Follower-Profile.



A Motion-Point is a small triangle inside a small circle.

The circle is slightly smaller than the symbol for a Point.



A Gear-Pair is two involute Gears.



A Driving-Pulley is a different color to a Driven Pulley

See Application Settings > Graphics > Graphic colors.

Why is the Base-Part not Green?

The Base-Part is not Green!

The Base-Part is not Green!

If the Base-Part is not Green (or a similar color) when you add your first Mechanism-Editor, it is usual that Force-Vectors: Display is enabled.

GST-Icon-Force-Vectors-Show Force toolbar > Force-Vectors: Display is enabled


To make the Base-Part Green, you should disable Force Vectors: Display

GST-Icon-Force-Vectors-HideClick to disable Force toolbar >Force-Vectors: Display

The Base-Part should be Green.

Why is half of the Base-Part hidden by a Plane?

BasePart partial hidden by a Plane.

BasePart partial hidden by a Plane.

The Base-Part is partly hidden by a Plane if the:

GST-Icon-ShowModelinMechVisibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanism is enabled

When you enable Show Solids in Mechanism, we also show Planes.

To hide Planes, do:

GST-Icon-Visibility-ModelinMech-HideClick to disable Visibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanism.



GST-Icon-DispFilt-PlanesClick Display toolbar > Display Planes to disable Display Planes.


Why is the Base-Part not Green?

The Base-Part is not green.

The Base-Part is not green.

The Part-Outline of the Base-Part is in a different Mechansim-Editor.

The Part-Outline of the Base-Part is in a different Mechansim-Editor.

You can see Kinematic and sketch-elements of other Mechanism-Editors when these are enabled:


GST-Icon-Visibility-Other Mech-SHOW Enable Show other Kinematic and Sketch-Elements - (Visibility toolbar)



Enable Mechanism name-tab light-bulb in the other Mechanism-Editor (see Right-click Mechanism name-tab)


To hide the Part-Outline of the Base-Part in a different Mechanism-Editor, click the icon to disable the Disable Global-Setting.