How to edt a Parameter Value

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How to edt a Parameter Value

EXAMPLE: Edit parameters in the Machine-Settings dialog

You can open the Machine-Settings dialog from the Edit menu or the Edit toolbar.

1.Click the Edit toolbar > Expand / Collapse icon

2.Click Machine-Settings Icon

Edit toolbar > Machine-Settings

The Machine-Settings dialog is open.

The Machine-Settings dialog > Cycling Parameters

Spin-Box tool

Spin-Box tool

Click the  Cycling Parameters  separator to show two parameters: Cycles/Min and # of Steps (#=Number).

Parameter Box

There are three areas in each parameter box:


Red-14-1 Parameter-value (60) - see how to edit, below


Red-14-2 Spin-Increment (1) - see Spin-box tool, below



Red-14-3 Spin-Box - see Spin-box tool, below

How to edit a Parameter-Value

There are a number of methods to edit the value of a Parameter.

tog_minusMethod 1: Spin-Box tool

tog_minusMethod 2: Zero / Round / Copy / Paste

tog_minusMethod 3: Enter an Equation