Step 7.1: Add a Design-Set to the Assembly-Tree

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Step 7.1: Add a Design-Set to the Assembly-Tree

Add a Design-Set to the graphics-area

STEP 1: Add a Design-Set FB to the graphics-area


1.Click Modeling FB toolbar  > Add Design-Set


1.Click Function-Block menu > Design-Set


2.Click the graphics-area

The Design-Set FB is now in the graphics-area and Assembly-Tree.

Design-Set in Graphic-Area - No Caption

Design-Set in Graphic-Area - No Caption

Save your model.

Display Function-Block names as Captions

If in the graphics-area, you cannot see the element name of the Design-Set FB above its icon, ...

STEP 1: Enable Display Function-Block names


1.Open the Application-Settings dialog from the Edit menu (or the Shortcut toolbar above the Main menu)

2.Select the Graphics tab > Display Options

3.Enable the Show Function-Block names check-box

4.Click OK-tiny-13-17 at the top of the dialog to close the Application-Setting dialog.

STEP 2: Rename the Design-Set

1.Click the Design-Set FB in the graphics-area

The Design-Set is now in the Selection-Window.

2.Right-click the Design-Set in the Selection-Window

3.Click Rename element in the shortcut-menu

4.In the Rename dialog, enter Pressure-Angle as the New-Name

5.Press the Enter key

6.Click OK-tiny-13-17 at the top of the dialog to close the Rename dialog

Save your model.
