I cannot select the Part-Outline! What to do?

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I cannot select the Part-Outline! What to do?

Why can I not select the Part-Outline?

With some graphic-cards, you cannot select the Part-Outline easily.

Basic Checks

Do you have a Selection-Filter selected? - See Filters menu > Selection-Filters

Are you using an Intel graphics-card? - See Help menu > About > Graphics tab > Graphics-Card

Your laptop may have two graphics-cards. If this is the case, force your laptop to use the other graphics-card (that is, NOT the Intel) when you start MechDesigner.

Alternative Methods

If the Basic Checks are not helpful, then there are three other Methods to select a Part-Outline, or Part.

Method 1:

METHOD 1: Select near start-Point.

METHOD 1: Select near start-Point.

The Arc near the Part's start-Point method

1.Move your pointer above the arc of the Part-Outline - see image

2.Double-Click your mouse


2.Click your mouse

The Part should be in the Selection-Window

3.Right-Click the Part

4.Click Edit element in the shortcut menu

Method 2:

METHOD 2: Double-click the Y-axis

METHOD 2:  Double-click the Y-axis

The Y-axis method.

1.Double-click the Y-axis to edit a Part,

Method 3:

METHOD 3: Select in the Assembly-Tree

METHOD 3: Select in the Assembly-Tree

The Assembly-Tree method.

In the Assembly-Tree:

1.Right-Click the Part

2.Select Edit element in the shortcut menu