How to... and FAQs

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How to... and FAQs

How to... and FAQs

tog_plusGeneral: How to... and FAQs

How to...

... edit and save my Styling

... open a dialog

... edit a Parameter in a dialog.

... Rename an Element


Why is it taking a long time to add or edit elements?

tog_plusModel-Editor: How to... and FAQs

How to stop Solid elements turning red

tog_plusMechanism-Editor: How to... and FAQs

How to...?

... show Velocity and Acceleration Vector

... edit a 2D-Cam, Gear-Pair, Profile

... edit Profiles and Extrusions

... change the assembly configuration of a mechanism

... move a Motion-Dimension (and not the FB)

... export a Cam directly to SOLIDWORKS

... model a Pin in a Slot

... to export my Cam as a Smooth Curve to SolidWorks/Solid Edge


What do the different colors of Part-Outlines mean?

What is the hierarchy of Extrusions?

What are different 2D-Cam elements?

Why can I not see the Base-Part properly?

Why can I not add an Angle or Linear Motion-Dimension FB?

How many Mechanism-Editors can I add?

How many Kinematic-Chains can I add to a Mechanism-Editor?

tog_plusPart-Editor: How to... and FAQs

How to...

... edit the Length of a Part

... delete Sketch-Elements

... delete Constraints

... add a Sketch-Loop


How many Parts can I edit at a time?

Why edit a Part?

How to start the Part-Editor to edit a Part?

Can I edit (and other questions relating to) the Part-Outline?

What are the color codes for sketch-elements in the Part-Editor?

Why is a dimension 'negative' in the Dimension dialog?

Why do I need to add geometry to the Base-Part?