Step 7.4: Edit the Dimensions in the Design-Set

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Step 7.4: Edit the Dimensions in the Design-Set

Use Minimum and Maximum Values




Edit the Minimum and Maximum Values

Note: Each time you open the Design-Set dialog, the list of the Element-Rows may change the top to bottom order.

1.Open the Design-Set dialog

2.Click the Min-Max iconRed-14-1b to the right of the Cam-X and the Cam-Y dimensions.

The dialog expands to the right.

You may need to re-size the dialog. Drag the right-side border of the Design-Set dialog to re-size it.

Minimum and Maximum Values to the right of the Min/Max button

Minimum and Maximum Values to the right of the Min/Max button

Edit the Minimum and Maximum Values, continued...

The MinimumRed-14-2 and Maximum parameter boxes show to the right of the Min/Max iconsRed-14-1b

3.Enter the Minimum and Maximum values - see image, above.

Cam-Y: Minimum = –50 ; Maximum = -10

Cam-X: Minimum = 30  ; Maximum = 120

Now you can edit the position of the Cam-Shaft only within the Minimum and Maximum Limits.

Save your model.