Edit | Command History

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Edit | Command History

Edit > Command-History

Use the Command-History dialog to undo or to redo more than one command at a time.

To open the Command-History dialog:

Command-History icon

1.Click Edit toolbar > Command History


1.Click Edit menu > Command History

The Command-History dialog is now open.

See also:



Command-History dialog

Command-History dialog

Command-History dialog

The most recent command is at the top of the list.

To Undo commands:

1.Select a command in the list Red-14-1



2.Click YES to confirm you want to undo the commands.

Wait until we undo the commands.

Command History dialog

Command History dialog

To Redo commands:

1.Select a command in the list of undone commands

Wait until we redo the commands.


If you do a new command before you Redo command, the new command will be at the top of the list.

Then, you cannot redo the original commands.