Tutorial 2D: Planes and Mechanism-Editors

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Tutorial 2D: Planes and Mechanism-Editors

Hierarchy of Planes and Mechanism-Editors

We add Mechanism-Editors to Planes. Thus, you must know how to add Planes, and also understand their hierarchy.

You can add a Plane to a:

Plane (in the Model-Editor or the Mechanism-Editor)

Line and CAD-Line (in a Mechanism-Editor)

X-axis and Y-axis of a Part (in a Mechanism-Editor)

Examples of Add Plane

Add Plane to a Plane

Model-Editor: Plane to Plane

Model-Editor: Plane to Plane


Add Plane to a Plane

Select a PlaneRed-14-1b that is in the Model-Editor.

Enter the offset dimension to PlaneRed-14-2 from PlaneRed-14-1b in the ±Z-axis direction.

PlaneRed-14-2 is now a child to PlaneRed-14-1b.

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to Plane

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to Plane


Add Plane to a Plane

Select a PlaneRed-14-1b that is a child to the Mechanism-Editor or a Part (see below).

Enter the offset dimension to PlaneRed-14-2 from PlaneRed-14-1b in the ±Z-axis direction.

PlaneRed-14-2 is a now a child to PlaneRed-14-1b

Add Plane to a Line/CAD-Line

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to CAD- Line

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to CAD- Line


Add Plane to a CAD-Line

Select a CAD-LineRed-14-1b that is in the active Mechanism-Editor.

Enter the Angles, about the X, Y, and Z-axes, to define the orientation of PlaneRed-14-2

PlaneRed-14-2 is a now a child to CAD-LineRed-14-1b

The origin (0,0,0) of the PlaneRed-14-2 is at the start-Point of the CAD-Line.

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to Line

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to Line


Add Plane to a Line

Select a LineRed-14-1b that is in the active Mechanism-Editor.

Enter the Angles, about the X, Y, and Z-axes, to define the orientation of PlaneRed-14-2

PlaneRed-14-2 is a child to LineRed-14-1b

The origin (0,0,0) of PlaneRed-14-2 is at the start-Point of the Line.

Add Plane to the X- or Y-axis of a Part

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to X or Y-axis

Mechanism-Editor: Plane to X or Y-axis


Add Plane to the X-axis or Y-axis at the origin of a Part

Select a Part's X-axis or Y-axis Red-14-1b.

Edit the Rotate around the X-axis, Y-axis, and/or Z-axis, to define the orientation of the new PlaneRed-14-2

PlaneRed-14-2 is a child to a Part Red-14-1b.

The origin (0,0,0) of the PlaneRed-14-2 is at the origin of the axis you select and Part.

Planes in the Assembly-Tree


Fixed Planes

Front, Top, and Right Planes at the origin of the Model-Editor

Moving Planes related to a Line in a Part

The parent of Plane4 and Plane9 is CAD-Line, which is in a moving Part.

Fixed Planes: related to other Fixed Planes

Plane10 is a child to the Right Plane, and a child to the Model-Editor.