Step 3.6: Edit the Length of the Part

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Step 3.6: Edit the Length of the Part

Summary of the Step

The shape of the sketch-loop is related to the length of the Part.

We will edit the length of the Part.

Change the Length of Part


STEP 1: Change the Length of a the Part

1.Deselect all active commands

2.Double-click the arrow-head of  length dimension

The Dimension dialog opens


STEP 2: Edit the dimension

1.Edit the length of the Part to 70mm

2.Use the spin-box tool to edit the dimension

3.Click OK-tiny-13-17 when the dimension is 70mm

Close the Part Editor


STEP 1: Close the Part-Editor


There are many methods to close the Part-Editor. E.g.:

1.Toggle off the Edit Part in Part-EditorRed-14-1 command above the Geometry toolbar

You are now in the Mechanism-Editor again.

When you close the Part-Editor, the X-axis of the Part will be horizontal!

In the Mechanism-Editor, you want the Base-Part to be horizontal.


STEP 2: Make the Base-Part horizontal

1.Click View Toolbar > View Align


The Base-Part is now horizontal


This Part is kinematically-defined. Also, we use the term: the Part is Solved.

They sketch-elements in the Mechanism-Editor are the color of the setting in:

Application-Settings > Graphics > Display colors > Part Solved.

The Part-Outline and the sketch-loop are a type of Green - the color of Part Solved in the Application-Settings.

Save your model.

See also@ Trouble-shoot Geometry.

