Step 5.1: Function-Blocks, Connectors and Wires

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Step 5.1: Function-Blocks, Connectors and Wires

Function-Blocks, Connectors, and Wires

Function-Blocks (FBs), Connectors, and Wires

Terminology of Function-Blocks

Terminology of Function-Blocks

The design of each Function-Block (FB) icon is to help you identify its function.

Also, you can enable Show Function-Block names to show their names in the graphics-area, above the Function-Block - see Edit menu > Application-Settings Graphics tab > Display Options.

You can also rename Function-Block elements.

For example, in this image, there are two Function-Blocks that also show their names:

a Linear-Motion FB - its name is Linear-Motion

a Motion-Dimension FB - has been renamed to Pulley-A

The output-connector is to the right of a FB.

The input-connector is to the left of a FB.

A wire is between an output-connector and input-connector.

Motion-values flow from FB to FB, along wires from an output-connector to an input-connector.

To Connect FBs

Drag Wires from Output-Connector to Input-Connectors

GST-5-102-Wire and Connectors

To connect a wire between two Function-Blocks:

1.Move your mouse-pointer above the output-connectorRed-14-1b of a FB so that the output-connector is the selected color (typically red) ...

2.... mouse-button down ...

3.... drag a wireRed-14-2 from the output-connectorRed-14-1b to the input-connectorRed-14-3 of a different FB ... so that the input-connector is the selected color ...

4.... mouse-button-up.

Now, there is a wire between the output-connector and the input-connector of two FBs.

5.Do 1 to 4 again and again to add more wires.

Left < Video: How to connect wires between Function-Blocks.

Click to play video: How to connect FBs

Video: How to connect FBs

About Motion-Values

As the Master Machine Angle (MMA) cycles (ALT+C to cycle the MMA continuously), motion-values flow instantly along wires between and through Function-Blocks.

GST-5-103-4Function-Blocks and Wires

Example of the flow of motion-values along wires and through four FBs: Red-14-1b > Red-14-2 > Red-14-3 > Red-14-4

There is an equation, or function, associated with each type of Function-Block. The equation has parameters that you can edit to modify the function.

Red-14-1b Linear-Motion FB

The (default) motion-values at the output-connector of this Linear-Motion FB are equal to the Master Machine Angle ( 0 → 360)

Therefore, when you cycle the machine (ALT+C) the output from the Linear-Motion FB changes at the same rate as the Master Machine Angle.

Red-14-2 Motion FB  

The Motion FB makes a link, similar to a hyperlink, with a motion name in MotionDesigner.

The motion-values at the input-connector to the Motion FB relate to the X-axis values of the motion. The motion-values at its output-connector are the Y-axis values of the motion.

Edit the Motion FB to link with a different motion in MotionDesigner.

Red-14-3 Gearing FB  

The Gearing FB has three parameters. It can multiply motion-values at its input connector, and add or subtract a number from the input and/or output.

If the input is 0 - 360, and the Gearing Ratio parameter is 2, and you add 40 to the output (after you multiply by 2), then its output will change from 40 to 760.

Red-14-4 Motion-Dimension FB  

The Motion-Dimension FB uses the motion-values at its input-connector to control the motion of a Motion-Part. The Motion-Part in this case is a Rocker.

It is possible to offset the initial position of the Rocker. You must edit the Base-Value parameter with the Motion-Dimension dialog.

Thus, if the Base-Value is 20, the Rocker moves from 60º to 780º within the 0 – 360 cycle of the Master Machine Angle.

The Kinematic Function-Blocks

“Motion Providers”: Provide motion-values.


Linear-Motion FB

One output-connector


Measurement FB - Point to Line (Linear); Line to Line(Angular); 3 Points (Angular)

One output-connector


Measurement FB - Point to Point (Linear)

Two output-connectors


Point-Data FB

Three output-connectors

“Motion Processors”: Process motion-values with a function


Motion FB

One input-connector and one output-connector


Gearing FB

One input-connector and one output-connector

“Motion-Dimension FB”: Control the angle or position of a Motion-Part relative to a different Part.


Motion-Dimension FBRocker

One input-connector and one output-connector


Motion-Dimension FBSlider

One input-connector and one output-connector

“Motion-Paths FB”: Control the position of a Motion-Point along a sketch-path.


Motion-Path FB

One input-connector