Tutorial 5: Basics: Function-Blocks for Motion

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Tutorial 5: Basics: Function-Blocks for Motion

Function-Blocks (FBs)

MechDesigner is different to normal CAD. Parts move in MechDesigner. The algorithms for motion and kinematics are within MechDesigner's core coding.

We can classify the Function-blocks into two/three types:

Kinematic FBs - to control and analyze the motion of Parts. (as well as analyze Cams and calculate Cam-Coordinates)

Modeling FBs - to improve your model in different ways.

Other FBs - e.g Briefcase

Object if Tutorial 5

To plot the motion-values at the output-connector from all of the Kinematic FBs with a Graph FB.

Usually, you only need to plot those motion-values that you want to analyze. Here, we plot all motion-value to help explain how each Function-Block changes the motion-values at its input-connector to different motion-values its output-connector.

GST-Icon-FB-MotionDimension Tutorial Steps: Kinematic Function-Blocks

Step 5.0: Where are the Function-Blocks commands?

Step 5.1: Function-Block, Connectors and Wires

Step 5.2: The Kinematic Function-Blocks

Step 5.3: The Motion-Dimension FB

Step 5.4: MMA, 3 most used Function-Blocks, Graph FB

Step 5.5: Crank, Rockers and Sliders

Step 5.6: Gearing: Amplitude and Frequency

Step 5.7: The Point-Data FB and Measurement-Data FB

Where are the Kinematic Function-Blocks?

Kinematic FB menu

In MD16, the Kinematic FBs are in Main menu >  Add

In MD17, the Kinematic FBs are in Main menu > Function-Blocks

MD17 - Function-Blocks menu - Kinematic FBs highlighted.

MD17 - Function-Blocks menu - Kinematic FBs highlighted.

Kinematic FBs toolbar

The Kinematic FB toolbar is to the right (>>}of the graphics-area.