Ramp Motion-Law

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Ramp Motion-Law

Ramp Cam-Law, Motion-Law

Motion Description

A Traditional Motion-Law.

The Ramp motion-law has three phases:

Phase 1: Acceleration : first ½ wave of a Sine function (see Segment-Parameters)

Phase 2: Zero Acceleration : Constant Velocity

Phase 3: Deceleration : last ½ wave of a Sine function : (see Segment-Parameters)

You can design an Asymmetric Segment, in which the Phase 1 is longer or shorter than Phase 2.

Velocity and Acceleration are continuous from start to end.

Jerk is finite but discontinuous at the start and end of Phase 1 and of Phase 3.


You CAN control the:


The Start-Position usually flows from the End-Position of the Previous-Segment.


You CANNOT control the:

Start Velocity and End Velocity

Start Acceleration and End Acceleration

Start Jerk and End Jerk

Segment Parameters


Start-Fraction × 100 = % of Segment-Width to accelerate from zero-velocity* to maximum-velocity

End-Fraction × 100 = % of Segment-Width to decelerate from maximum-velocity to zero-velocity**

Start-Fraction + End Fraction 1

Constant-Velocity Fraction = 1 – Start-Fraction End-Fraction

* if Start-Range = zero

** if End-Range = zero



End- Range

0 ≤ Start-Range < End-Range ≤ 1

See also : MD-Globe-www-24 Tutorial 5: Edit the Start of a Traditional Motion-Law

See also : MD-Globe-www-24 Tutorial 9: Asymmetrical Motions

1 x Ramp Segment, Symmetrical

1 x Ramp Segment, Symmetrical


Asymmetric Segments, in which the Acceleration phase is longer or shorter than the Deceleration phase.

Motion with a long displacement, in which the maximum-velocity is less than other motion-laws.

Asymmetrical Example (see image below)

Start-Fraction ≠ End-Fraction

Start-Fraction = 0.7

End-Fraction = 0.3

Start-Fraction + End-Fraction = 1

Constant-Velocity % = 0%

E.g.: RAMP Segment: Start-Fraction = 0.7, End-Fraction = 0.3 (Constant-Velocity Fraction = 0)

E.g.: RAMP Segment: Start-Fraction = 0.7, End-Fraction = 0.3
(Constant-Velocity Fraction = 0)