Step 18.4: Lissajous Figures

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Step 18.4: Lissajous Figures

Plotting Lissajous Curves with Parametric Equations.

We only need the position equations to plot the Lissajous Curve.

These are simple parametric curves.

This topic here is only because they look nice to me!

Parameters Equations

Add parametric equations in the Math FB to calculate the X,Y coordinates of a Lissajous Curve.

The parametric equations for the Lissajous Curve of curves are:

x = cos(a*t)

y = sin(b*t)

If you change a parametric-constants (a or b), you will plot a different Lissajous Curve.

Parameters and Variables

a = the frequency of the motion along the X-axis

b = the frequency of the motion along the Y-axis

t = the independent variable: 0 to 360 (or 2*pi)

Three(3) Inputs: a, b, and t

Two(2) Outputs: x and y.

Input-Connector and Output-Connectors



We need three input-connectors: three parameters (a, b) and one variable (t)

1.Double-click the Math FB to open a Math FB dialog

2.Click the Add Input button three time to add three input-connectors to the Math FB

3.Click the Update button



We need two output-connectors for the X-axis and Y-axis motion-data

1.Double-click the Math FB to open the Math FB dialog

2.Click the Add Output button to add two outputs from the Math FB

The unit of the output data is dependent on the Output Data Type.

3.Set the Output Data Type to Linear Coordinates

4.Click the Update button

Parametric Equations in the Math FB

Equations for the Position (Displacement) for the two outputs.

The Lissajous equations for the X and Y coordinates are given here again:

x = cos(a×t) ..... Equation 1

y = sin(b×t) ..... Equation 2

We must re-write these for the Math FB.

Lissajous equations - position only

Lissajous equations - position only

The Equations in the Math FB

We use

p(0) as t

p(1) as a

p(2) as b

1.Enter the equations carefully - see the image to the left.

Equation 1 = cos((p(1)× 1000)× p(0))

Equation 2 = sin((p(2)× 1000)× p(0))

2.Click Update button to confirm changes.

What about the Units and Range of the Equations

The Sin and a Cos functions produce a a minimum value of -1 and a maximum of 1. (±1)

Inside the Math FB, all parameters are SI units. A range of ±1 is a range of ±1 meter (1m)

Outside the Math FB, a range of ±1m is a range of ±1000mm.

Typically, you scale the motion to reduce its range.

To scale the motions:

Use Gearing FBs: e.g. if you use a Gearing Ratio = 0.1, there is a motion range of ±100mm at the X-axis and Y-axis Sliders


Edit the equations in the Math FB. e.g. if you divide each equation by 10, there is a motion range of ±100mm at the X-axis and Y-axis Sliders

<<<< see the image: each equation now has a range of ±100mm.

Reduce the motion range  by a factor of 10

Reduce the motion range
by a factor of 10

The Piggyback Slider Model for the Lissajous Figures


The Mechanical model in MechDesigner

Piggyback Sliders



The Math FB - input connectors

t .... the angle of the function from 0 to 2*pi - the output from a Linear-Motion FB

a ... the frequency of oscillation of the X-axis - add and edit the Gearing FB > Add after Gearing-Ratio parameter.

b ... the frequency of oscillation of the Y-axis - add and edit the Gearing FB >Add after Gearing-Ratio parameter.


Outside the Math FB, a range of t is 0 - 360 degrees

Inside the Math FB, a range of t is 0 - 20*pi radians


Math FB - output variable connectors

The Math FB has two output-connectors

x ... the horizontal position of the X-Slider

y ... the vertical position of Slider-Y


Video of Lissajous Curves

Video of Lissajous Curves - Click to Play

The Trace-Point of the Piggyback Slider

Add a Trace-Point to show the Path of a Point moving with the Y-axis Slider.

Edit the Gearing FB values to