Tutorial 19: Import SOLIDWORKS Part and Assemblies

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Tutorial 19: Import SOLIDWORKS Part and Assemblies

How to prepare and import SOLIDWORKS Parts and Assemblies

Use the CAD-Line dialog | SolidWorks tab to import SOLIDWORKS Part and Assembly documents.


SOLIDWORKS® is a registered name, and owned by Dassault Systèmes.

“document” is the generic term that we use for a model in SOLIDWORKS®: e.g.: Part document, Assembly document.

From MD14+, we automatically check for you the SOLIDWORKS® release that you have used most recently, and change MechDesigner to use the correct Type-Library.

You can also check that the Type-Library is correct: see Help menu > About > Type-Library tab.

Coordinate System in MechDesigner

(1) Standard CAD-Line (2) Add CAD-Line with the Part-Editor

(1) Standard CAD-Line
(2) Add CAD-Line with the Part-Editor


Each Part that you add to the model has a CAD-Line sketch-element along its center. You can also add more CAD-Lines to a Part with the Part-Editor.

You can use the CAD-Line dialog to import a SolidWorks or STL file, and/or a DXF file.

Each CAD-Line has a Coordinate-System:

Origin: at its start-PointRed-14-3

+X–axis: from its start-PointRed-14-3 to its end-PointRed-14-4

+Y–axis: at +90º from the +X–axis (positive direction is counter-clockwise on the Mechanism Plane)

+Z–axis: uses the Right-Hand-Rule

Coordinate System in SOLIDWORKS

Usually, you add a Coordinate System feature to the SOLIDWORKS document to align it with the Coordinate-System of a CAD-Line in MechDesigner.

SOLIDWORKS CAD model prepared for import to MechDesigner

SOLIDWORKS CAD model prepared for import to MechDesigner

In SOLIDWORKS, to add a Coordinate System, you must select a Point or Vertex, and a Line or Edge.

Rather than select from the model's existing features, I usually do these steps in SOLIDWORKS:

SOLIDWORKS to add a Coordinate System

1.Add a new PlaneRed-14-1b

SOLIDWORKS > Insert menu > Reference Geometry > Reference Plane

The Plane aligns with the Mechanism-Plane in MechDesigner.

2.Start a new SketchRed-14-2 on the new PlaneRed-14-1b

Add two perpendicular construction lines.

The lines should radiate from where you want origin of the Coordinate-System.

Close the sketch.

Add Coordinate Syastem dialog in SOLIDWORKS

Add Coordinate Syastem dialog in SOLIDWORKS

3.Add the Coordinate SystemRed-14-3

SOLIDWORKS > Insert menu > Reference Geometry > Coordinate System

a)Click the point at the intersection of the construction lines as the Origin

b)Click the construction line that is the +X-axis

c)Click the construction line that is the +Y–axis.

The +Z–axis uses the Right-Hand-Rule.

To Import SOLIDWORKS Documents:

btn_delkeywordMethod 1: Import a SOLIDWORKS Part document onto a CAD-Line
btn_delkeywordMethod 2: Import a SOLIDWORKS Sub-Assembly onto one CAD-Line
btn_delkeywordMethod 3: Many SOLIDWORKS documents onto one MechDesigner Part
btn_delkeywordMethod 4: Import different models onto different CAD-Lines in different Parts:
btn_delkeyword Import STL Files directly
btn_delkeywordSTL: FILE-SIZE and APPEARANCE