Tutorial 10: Import your own data

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Tutorial 10: Import your own data

Motion -Law : Z-Raw-Data, Position-List, or Acceleration List.

The Z-Raw-Data*, Position List, or Acceleration List segment types are those you can use to import your own data.

To import you own motion data:

1.Select a Motion name-tab

2.Use the Motion-Law Selector to make the segment a Z-Raw-Data* (or Position List, or Acceleration List).

We will assume the segment is Z-Raw-Data*.

In the image below: there is only one segment. The X-axis range is from 0 to 360.

Your motion may have one or more Z-Raw Data segments, and optionally, it may be mixed with segments that are not Z-Raw-Data segments.

3.Click the Z-Raw-Data segment in the graph area

4.Open the Data-Transfer Table

5.Select the top, left cell in the Data-Transfer Table.

6.Cut & Paste data to the Data-Transfer Table from, a Graph FB, NotePad®, Excel®, a TXT, or ASC file-type. The data must be as columns of data.

In the Data-Transfer Table:

To select all of the data-points

6.Click the header of the column you want to import

OR - To select a set of data-points from within the full column of data-points

6.Click the first data-point in the column of data you want to import

7.SHIFT+ Click the last data-point in the column of data

8.Click the icon Put Data to List Segment in the Data-Transfer Toolbar

Put Data to List Segment

Put Data to List Segment

Raw Data - Import Dat to Segment


 After you Put data to a List Segment type - a Z-Raw-Data segment in this case, we do the following automatically:

Do nothing if you post less than 5 points!

We will tell you to select more points from your list of data.


Create points that coincide with the number of motion-points as specified in the Active-Motion-Settings dialog. (e.g. 360 total points)

Numerically differentiate the data to calculate Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk values for their motion-graphs.

Remember, to Select Data:

1.Click the Header of the data in the Data-Transfer Table you want to put to the segment


1.Click the First cell, then

2.Shift+Click the last data cell in the Data-Transfer Table