<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Getting Started Tutorials - MechDesigner > Tutorial 14: Gear-Pairs / Rack-Pinions > Export Gears to SOLIDWORKS |
We will add then export Gears.
Please refer to earlier tutorials if these instructions do not include enough detail.
STEP 1: Add Line and Dimension in Base-Part.
1.Edit the Base-Part
2.Add Line ( Geometry toolbar, left)
3.Add Dimension to the Line (Geometry toolbar, left)
You do not need other dimensions and constraints to define the position of the Line. However, it is good design practice to fully dimension the location of the Line.
4.Exit Part-Editor
You will see the Line in the Mechanism-Editor as a Green Line
STEP 2: Add two Parts.
1.Add Part × 2 (Press the Insert key as a Shortcut key for Add Part).
2.Add Pin-Joint × 2 : Do Add Pin-Joints to join one Part to the start-Point of the Line, and the other Part to the end-Point of the Line(Step 1)
Now you have two Parts that rotate, that you have joined to a Line in a stationary Part.
STEP 3: Add a Motion-Dimension FB to one of the Parts, and Linear-Motion FB
Now define one of the rotating-Parts as a Rocker
1.Decide which Part whose motion you want to drive the motion of the other Part, with the Gear-Pair.
2.Click Kinematic FB toolbar > Add Motion-Dimension FB
See Command-Manager:
B)Line in the Base-Part
C)CAD-Line along center of the Part
The two Lines must radiate (be rays) from the Pin-Joint.
3.Click in Command Manager
4.Add a Linear-Motion FB. You can also add other FBs to control the rotation of the Rocker.
5.Edit Motion-Dimension FB and set Base-Value to 0 (usually) - again good practice to know the starting angle of the Driving Gear.
STEP 4: Add Gear-Pair.
1.Click Machine elements toolbar > Add Gear-Pair
See: Command-Manager
1.Line 1 - the CAD-Line along Part defined by Motion-Dimension
2.Line 2 -the CAD-Line along center of Blue Part - the free-Part.
3.Line 3 - the Green Line in the middle that has a Pin-Joint at each end.
The Part Editor opens automatically.
4.Dimension 1 : the dimension for thehe length of Line 3.
Now Gears should show and all Parts are defined and Green.
STEP 5: Edit Gear Pair to make sure Teeth are correct and make sure module is correct.
Edit Gear-Pair dialog to edit Gear-Pair number of teeth and module.
Also, if you want to make really accurate gear representation in SOLIDWORKS, increase # Points along Profile
But be careful, as the DXF file size will increase rapidly.
Try default value of '6' and increase if needed.
STEP 6: Run menu > Home key to put gears at home
ALT+H as shortcut.
STEP 7: Solids toolbar > Add Polyline (MD-Solids menu > Add Polyline)
The Solids toolbar is above graphics-area.
You do not need to add a Profile to the Polyline to export DXF to SOLIDWORKS.
You can choose to export the two gears together, or one gear at a time.
It is easier to import one gear at a time.
1.Click the Assembly-Tree
2.Click the Mechanism element ONE TIME in the Assembly Tree
The Mechanism element must be in the Selection-Window.
2.Click File menu > Save as
Save as type is automatically set to the DXF file-type.
3.Edit the file-name and then click Save
1.Click the Part-Outline.
The Part element must be in the Selection-Window.
2.Click File menu > Save as
Make sure the DXF file-type is active
3.Edit the file-name and then click Save
Do 1 - 3 again, with other Part-Outline.
1.File menu > New Part:
2.Select the Plane or surface onto which you want to add the DXF of the Gear(s)
3.Insert menu > DXF/DWG...
4.Open the DXF
5.Import to part as 2D sketch in DXF/DWG import
In the Document Settings interface- make sure Units of imported data are millimeters (top left of DXF/DWG dialog)
6.Click Finish
Do 2 to 6 for each Gear for each Gear
You should be able to extrude the gears from the imported sketch.