Step 6D3.1: Export Slot-Cam to SOLIDWORKS

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Step 6D3.1: Export Slot-Cam to SOLIDWORKS

Background to the Complications


A standard cam rotates 360 per machine cycle. It is a closed Cam-Profile that repeats every machine-cycle. The contact-point between the Follower-Profile and the Cam-Profile steadily moves along the Cam-Profile as the MMA increases from 0 to 360.

The Cam-Profile does not self-intersect or repeat (unless there is undercutting).

However, with a Slot-Cam*, the contact-point moves forwards and backwards along the Cam-Profile in a machine-cycle. Thus, the Cam-Profile does repeats itself.

You cannot create a Curve feature in SolidWorks when two Points in the XYZ table are equal to each other.

This topic describes how to solve this problem.

* A Cam in which the contact-point does not move steadily along the Cam-Profile.

tog_minusComplications when you export the XY coordinates of a Slot-Cam to SOLIDWORKS
tog_minusSolution to the Complications : LINEARIZE the MOTION input to the Cam.