6D: Slot-Cams

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6D: Slot-Cams

About Sot-Cams

Usually, the independent-variable (the input) of a motion is the Master Machine Angle (MMA). That is to say, the output a motion is a direct function of the Master Machine Angle.

However, a motion can be a function of the angle or position of a Part that is already in your model, and not the MMA.

When the motion of a Part is a function of the motion of a different Part, we say there is Motion-Dependency.

Slot-Cams frequently have Motion-Dependency.

Note: Slot-Cams are also called Linear Cams, Ramp-Cams, or Slide-Cams.

This Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will design two reciprocating Slot-Cams. The sliding motion of the Slot Cam rotates a Follower-Roller.

DESIGN 1: The sliding-part is a Slider.

DESIGN 2: The sliding-part is a Part in a dyad.

GST-Icon-Add2DCamSlot Cams


Step 6D1.0: Target Design

Step 6D1.1 Rotate a 2D-Cam to move a Slider

Step 6D1.2: Add a Rocker, Design the Rocker Motion

Add the Stationary 2D-Cam...

Step 6D1.3: Add the Stationary 2D-Cam


Step 6D2.0: Target Design

Step 6D2.1: Add a Gear-Pair and Trace-Point

Step 6D2.2: Add an R-R-P dyad and Rocker

Add the Stationary 2D-Cam...

Step 6D2.3: Add the Stationary 2D-Cam

Prepare the Cam-Data for SolidWorks.

Step 6D3.1: Export the data and prepare it for SOLIDWORKS®