Floating/Network Installation: Step-by-Step

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Floating/Network Installation: Step-by-Step

Network Installations


In the context of this installation, a Network License is identical to a Floating License.

Client Computer : a Workstation or PC on which you install and use MechDesigner.

Server Computer : a computer that manages your server software.

Floating/Network License Installation Instructions

Please read before you install a Network License.

Network Installation:

Network Installation: Step by Step

Network Installation: Detailed Instructions for IT Professional

Roaming Licenses

With a Network License, you can ask PSMotion to enable Roaming licenses. These allow engineers to use MechDesigner on a computer that is not connected to your network for a period of time, e.g. for a business trip. Please email PSMotion if you want us to enable Roaming Licenses.

Running protected programs

Useful to know:

CopyMinder Protection Software:

To validate your Network License, a small program, CMServer, that you run on your server computer, needs an internet connection to the CopyMinder Server computers (third-party servers).

The CopyMinder Server IP addresses are:

All communication is done by HTTP over Port 80. Make sure that a firewall or proxy does not prevent, modify, or reformat the data being exchanged.

If required, please see INST-Globe-www CopyMinder Privacy Policy.


Like most server software, CMServer accepts incoming connections by "listening" on a given IP address and port. If the machine running CMServer also has a firewall ( Windows firewall as well as third party firewall software), then the firewall(s) software needs to be explicitly told to allow the incoming connections to get through to CMServer. Likewise, if a firewall exists on a machine between the Server Computer (the one running CMServer) and the Client Computers then this needs to be configured too.

You may need to add an exception to your virus-checker for mechdesigner.exe.cm64.exe. (see folder C:\ProgramData\HW\...).