Dialog: Movie

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Dialog: Movie


When you continuously-cycle a model in MechDesigner, commercial video-recording software may not record each step in a machine-cycle. Also, it is difficult to record exactly one machine-cycle. Make-Movie solves these problems.

Movie and File-Types

Use File menu > Movie to:

record and save a movie as a GIF file-type


record and save a sequence of images as JPEG, JPG, PNG, and BMP file-types

We append a number to each image. The numbers are 000, 001, 002, ... Number-of-Frames


save one image - a snapshot of the model.


The GIF file-type produces a large file when the movie's frame-size and/or the number-of-frames is large.


Do not append the file-name with a number.

Movie dialog

Make-Movie dialog

Make-Movie dialog

You should see a rectangle in the graphic-area. You will record everything inside the rectangle.

The rectangle is the Frame.

Usually, edit the size and position of the Frame.

tog_minus Frame Size and Position 

tog_minus File-name and File-type 

tog_minus Make Movie... 

To compile the images as a movie.

To compile PNG images as a movie, I use Avidemux 2.6 - a free tool that you can download from the internet. My lawyer tells me I cannot recommend it.

In Avidemux 2.6:

1.Open the first image in the sequence of images - for example, Hinge-A000.png

Open the first image only. Avidemux2.6 automatically imports the other images in the numbered sequence.

2.Save the movie with the MP4 movie format.

Save the Movie file with the same frame-size as the recorded images.

MP4, with the x264 codec, is the recommended format for YouTube®.