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To build a model:

STEP 1: Add an element

- see Model Editor ; Mechanism Editor ; Part-Editor

STEP 2: Open the element's dialog

- see How to open a dialog

STEP 3: Edit the element's parameters

- see How to edit a Parameter in a dialog

STEP 4: Close the Elements's Dialog

Close the dialog before you start a different command to add a new element.

Do Steps 1 to 4, again, and again, ...

Two dialog exceptions: Add Dimension dialog and Add Plane dialog open immediately when you do Add Dimension and Add Plane.




Replace Old Name with New Name

Model / Mechanism

Lighting, Synchronize CAD-Solids

Application Settings

General, Number-Format, Auto-Profiles, Accessibility, Colors, ...

Machine Settings

Machine Speed, # Steps in Machine-Cycle, Units

Element Properties

Read-only - an element's Motion and/or Force properties


Add or Edit Plane

Edit Angle of Plane or Offset of Plane

Profile / Extrusion

Edit an Extrusion - the MD-Solid



Select a different DXF File, change the DXF Units of the new DXF element



> DXF tab

>> DXF Layer Editor

Import DXF File, Convert Entities to MD Sketch-Elements.


> CAD-Solid - Import SOLIDWORKS file-type

> Mass Properties

> User Mass-Properties, SOLIDWORKS Mass-Properties, Total Mass Properties.

> STL Import

> Import an STL file

> Display Options

> Edit the Color, Transparency, ...

CAMS: 2D and 3D



> Parameters

> Edit the Start-Angle and Range (defaults are 0 and 360), Enable Lifetime, Edit Safety-Factor.

> Display

> Display Cam Profile as: Cam-Profile, Pressure-Angle, Contact-Force, Shear-Stress,

> Roller Life

> Edit the Roller bearing, enter factors for ISO 281 calculations (Lubricant, Temperature, Reliability)

> Cam Life

> Edit the Steel/Cast-Iron, Quality, Heat-Treatment, Hardness

Conjugate Cam FB

Required for Force Analysis, Cam-Life, Roller-Life with Conjugate-Cams and Groove-Cams.

Cam-Data FB

Plot Contact-Force, Hertzian Shear-Stress, Radius-of-Curvature, Pressure-Angle, or Sliding-Velocity


Calculate and Export 2D-Cam Coordinates, Save as STEP, TXT, DXF


Calculate and Export 3D-Cams - Barrel, Cylindrical, Globoidal.


Linear-Motion FB

Output is 0 - 360, again and again - a machine clock.

Gearing FB

Modify motion-values with a Linear function.

Motion FB

Link a Motion in MotionDesigner to a Motion-Part.

Motion-Dimension FB

Edit the Base-Value (angle or position) of a Motion-Part.

Motion-Path FB

Edit the starting position of a Motion-Point, Control the length of a sketch-loop

Point-Data FB

Measure a Point's Position, Velocity, and Acceleration relative to the Mechanism-Plane.

Measurement FB

Measure Linear or Angular Position, Velocity, and Acceleration.

Graph FB

Plot up to 4 graphs as a function of one X-axis

> Graph Settings

> Graph Display

Spring FB

Define a force-function for a Spring

Force-Data FB

Measure Force or Torque

CAD Control FB

Control SolidWorks mates from MechDesigner


Glue Profiles/Curves together

Math FB

User defined functions

Statistics FB

Statistical values for motion-values or force-values

Polynomial Fit FB

Fit Polynomials to data at its input-connector

Parameter-Control FB

Control the length of a 'static-dimension', Extrusion-Depth, Extrusion Offset with motion-values at its input-connector.

Continuous Crank FB

Make a Crank rotate fully with a modulated speed, as a function of the motion of a different part in the kinematic-chain.

Modeling TOOLS


Add different dimensions and parameters to one dialog

Briefcase FB

Put other FBs in a Briefcase - to make you model easier to review

Make Movie

Produce a GIF file or series of PNG, JPG, of BMP images


Import XY data, convert to a curve


Copy CAD-Solids and/or MD-Solids multiple times in space and time

OTHER Dialogs

Point Properties

Edit Position of a Point, Display Velocity and Acceleration Vectors


Edit the Angle, Curvature, and Curvature-Rate at the start-Point and end-Point of a Blend-Curve


3D Joint for Spatial Mechanisms, edit its offset from the Mechanism-Plane.


Edit the module, number-of-teeth, mesh, ...

Rack-Pinion / Ball-Screw

Edit the module, number-of-teeth, ...


Number-of-Teeth on the Pulley

Kinetostatic: Servomotor and Gearbox Sizing

Size a Gearbox and Servomotor for the Application.

Configure Power Source

To move a motor or other power source to the correct joint or cam.


Edit an Angular or Linear Dimensional Value.


Tutorial Videos

Play Tutorial Video

Example Models

Help menu

Select Elements

Choose one or more elements for a list of elements

Dependent Elements

Show those elements that you also delete

View References

Elements that are referenced by another elements