Dialog: Servomotor and Gearbox Sizing

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Dialog: Servomotor and Gearbox Sizing

Kinetostatic Torque and Speed

Note: The options for a Linear Motor with a Slide-Joint will be available in a later release.

Use the Kinetostatic Torque and Speed dialog to:

Plot the Torque-Speed curve for the Application Load, in four quadrants

Select a Planetary Gearbox manufacturer and model

Select a Servomotor manufacturer and model.

Plot the Gearbox Load Torque-Speed curve, in four quadrants

Plot the Servomotor Torque-Speed curve, in four quadrants.

Calculate the Duty-Cycle as a percentage of the machine-cycle

Calculate the RMS Torque.

Note: Use this tool with one degree-of-freedom kinematic-chains. Email PSMotion if the kinematic-chain has two or more degrees-of-freedom, each with a servomotor.

btn_addkeywordHow to open the Kinetostatic-Torque and Speed dialog

STEP 1: Enable:

Force toolbar > Force-Vectors: Calculate

Force toolbar > Force-Vectors: Display

You should see a MotorRed-14-1b at a Pin-Joint - see image below. The Motor is a Power-Source.

If your servo-motor on your actual machine is not at that Pin-Joint, you need to move the Motor symbol to the correct Pin-Joint.

STEP 2: If required, move the Motor symbol to the correct joint

See Force toolbar > Configure Power Source

Configuring the Power Stage is a major change to the model configuration.

It is good idea to Save the model, and Reopen the model.


STEP 3: Open the Kinetostatic Torque-Speed dialog:

1.Click the MotorRed-14-1b in the graphics-area

The Pin-Joint shows in the Selection-Window.

2.Right-Click the Pin-Joint

3.Click Edit element in the shortcut menu.

The Kinetostatic Torque-Speed dialog is now open.

btn_delkeywordApplication (Load) Torque vs Speed plot
btn_delkeywordSTEP 1: Auto-Filter and Range-Factor
btn_delkeywordSTEP 2: Select a Gearbox Manufacturer
btn_delkeywordSTEP 3: Select a Gearbox Model
btn_delkeywordGearbox Parameters Check List.
btn_delkeywordGearbox Output Torque vs Speed plot
btn_delkeywordSTEP 4: Select a Servo-motor Manufacturer
btn_delkeywordSTEP 5: Select a Servo-motor Model
btn_delkeywordServo-motor Parameters Check List.
btn_delkeywordServomotor Torque vs Speed plot

tog_minusWhy the Motor Torque is different to the Mechanism Torque
tog_minusMore on Torque vs Speed Curves
tog_minusHow we calculate the Motor Torque and Motor Speed