Dialog: View References

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Dialog: View References

Show Element References

See also: Delete Dependent Elements

Many elements reference, or need, other elements.

Show Element References is a list of those elements that a more complex element needs.

For example, when you add a Pin-Joint, you select one Point from two different Parts. Therefore, the Reference Elements of the Pin-Joint are the two Points.

Selection--Window: Right-Click

Selection--Window: Right-Click

To Show Element References for an element:

1.Click an Element in the graphics-area, or the Assembly-Tree

The element should be in the Selection-Window.

Right-click the element in the Selection-Window

2.Click Show Element References in the shortcut menu

The List References for: element-name shows.

EXAMPLE: Element References for a 2D-Cam

EXAMPLE: Element References for a 2D-Cam

The example shows the:

Reference Element name


Reference Element Type

Reference Element Owner