Step 13.0: Understand Forces in MechDesigner

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Step 13.0: Understand Forces in MechDesigner

Kinetostatic vs Dynamic Analysis - a definition

A Kinetostatic Analysis1 calculates the forces at joints that are a result of the motions imposed on a mechanism with mass and inertia by an idealized power source2.

A Dynamic Analysis calculates the motions of a mechanism from a force or torque that is imposed on the mechanism with masses and inertia.

MechDesigner does the Kinetostatic Analysis of each kinematic-chain.

MechDesigner 17+ also does a Dynamic Analysis.


1.Force: is a generalized force, which will includes Torques/Moments.

2.An Idealized Power Source moves the mechanism exactly as planned. A simple example of an Idealized Power Source is the motion of a cam-shaft that rotates precisely with a uniform angular velocity, even when the torque fluctuates on the cam-shaft as it rotates.

About Kinetostatic Forces


Forces at joints

Forces at anchor points of Springs

Forces at the contact point between gear teeth flanks, and between a cam-profile and follower-profile

Force or Torque to move each kinematic-chain with a predefined motion

Kinetostatic-Forces are a function of:

The Motion of Parts: Inertia force, Centripetal force, Coriolis force. We assume the motions of all Parts move exactly as planned

The Mass distribution: Mass, Center-of-Mass, Inertia

External Forces: Spring, Drag, Coulomb Forces, ...

Gravitational Force – when the Mechanism-Plane is not horizontal

Which joint has the Power-Source that drives the kinematic-chain. See: Why Configure the Power Source

Kinetostatic-Forces do not include:

Impact Forces of Parts that collide

Impact Forces after traversal of backlash in Joints, Gear-Pairs or Cam-Tracks

Friction Forces

Magnetic, Electrical Forces

Kinetostatic-Forces are for Ideal Kinematic-Chains.


Rigid Parts do not bend, twist or stretch

Rigid Parts do not expand with temperature

Rigid-Part have an exact length, without a tolerance

Joints do not have play (backlash)

Joints do not have Friction

Power Source is idealized - it moves exactly as planned

Surfaces at Cams and Gears do not deflect


Real Parts: do deflect, twist and stretch

Rigid Parts: do expand with temperature

Rigid Parts: do have a tolerance to their length, plus other geometric constraints (GD&T) that need to be applied

Real Joints: do have backlash, play

Real Joints: do have friction

Power Sources do not move exactly as planned

Real contact surfaces do deflect

Real kinematic-chains: are not 100% efficient

Real kinematic-chains vibrate

You may think “Why do a model when it can deviate from the Ideal Kinematic-Chain by so much”?

However, the better your design, the nearer it will be to the Ideal Kinematic-Chain.

Configure the Power Source.

It is important that you Configure the Power Source correctly for each kinematic-chain before you do a Kinetostatic Analysis.

Each kinematic-chain has three different possible Power Sources.

A Motor

When a motor, rotary or linear, drives a kinematic-chain, make sure the Power-Source is at the joint.

By default, the Motor is at the joint with the Motion-Dimension FB. However, the Motor may drive a different joint.

A 2D-Cam

Usually, a Cam is a child to a Part in one kinematic-chain, and the Follower is a child to a Part in a different kinematic-chain.

In the default case, when you display Forces, there are two motors: one motor drives the kinematic-chain with the Cam, and the other drives the kinematic-chain with the Follower.

However, the Cam is most often the Power Source for the kinematic-chains with the Cam and the Follower. Hence, you must Configure the Power Source so that the Power-Source for the Follower is the Cam.

A Linear Motor

You can configure a Spring as a Linear Motor. You must configure the power source to make the Spring FB the Power Source.

btn_delkeywordExample - moving the Power-Source to a different joint.