Command History

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Command History

Visibility > Command-History

Use the Command-History dialog to undo or to redo more than one command at a time.

To open the Command-History dialog:

Command-History icon

1.Click Edit toolbar > Command History


1.Click Visibility menu > Command History

The Command-History dialog is now open

See also:



Command-History dialog

Command-History dialog

Command-History dialog

When you open the Command-History dialog, the most recent command is at the top of the list.

To Undo the Command-History:

1.Select any command in the list Red-14-1



2.Click YES to confirm you want to undo all of the commands back to the command you selected.

Wait until the all of the commands are undone.

Command History dialog

Command History dialog


To Redo the Command History:

1.Select a command the list of undone commands

Wait until all commands are redone


If you do a new command before you Redo commands in the Command History, the new command will be at the top of the list.

Then, you cannot redo the other commands.