How to find the motion-values anywhere in the motion/segment?

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How to find the motion-values anywhere in the motion/segment?

To find Motion-Values.

There are 4 methods to find the Y-axis motion-values at an X-axis value.

Method 1: Motion-Values at Pointer

MT-Motion-Values Preview

Motion-values at your pointer

1.Move your mouse-pointer above a motion plot-line, or to a Blend-Point.

The X-axis and Y-axis motion-values show near to your pointer.


Method 2: Motion-Values Evaluator

Machine-Angle(1) : Evaluate Motion-Values(2)

Machine-Angle(1) : Evaluate Motion-Values(2)

For any real number you enter as a Machine-AngleRed-14-1, we evaluate for you the exact motion-valuesRed-14-2 (P, V, A, J).

You may need to increase the width of the MotionDesigner panel.

Or, you can Float MotionDesigner - See MechDesigner > Visibility menu > Float/Dock MotionDesigner.

Method 3: Use the Sweep-Display


The Sweep-Display works best for a motion that start at 0, and has a Motion-Width of 360.


To open the Sweep-Display:

1.Click Edit toolbar > Sweep-Display icon

Sweep-Display dialog

Sweep-Display dialog


Cursor Position

The X-axis value at which to evaluate exact motion-values.

Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk (read-only)

The exact Position, Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk motion-values at the X-axis value as defined by the Cursor-Position.

A vertical cursor shows in the graphs at the X-axis value as defined by the Cursor Position.

Method 4: Open Data Transfer Table

MD17-Blend-Point and Segment toolbar

Blend-Point and Segment toolbar

To open the Data Transfer Table:

1.Click Blend-Point & Segment toolbar > Data Transfer Table icon.

The Data Transfer Table is now open.

Data Transfer Table

Data Transfer Table

Look up in the list the X-axis value for which you want to know the Y-axis motion-values.

If you want more accuracy,, then increase the Number of Points in Active Motion Settings dialog > Motion tab > Motion Cycle

To find the X-axis values from a Y-axis positional value

There is one method. You must use a Motion FB in MechDesigner.

You can enter the Y-axis of the Position motion-derivative.

In MechDesigner:

1.Add a Motion FB to the graphics-area

2.Open the Motion FB dialog


3.In the  Motion Parameter  separator, click the drop down arrow in the Select a Motion box, and select a Motion whose X-axis value you need to know at a particular Y-axis value.

4.In the  Query  separator, enter a Y-axis value (Position motion-derivative, only)

If one or more X-axis values exist at the Y-axis value, then we show the values in the box below.

X-axis values from a Y-axis value

X-axis values from a Y-axis value