STEP 3.2B: Add Lines and Arcs and Sketch-Loop

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STEP 3.2B: Add Lines and Arcs and Sketch-Loop

Definitions of Sketch-Path and Sketch-Loop


Sketch-Path Red-14-2

A minimum of two sketch-elements

Their start-PointsRed-14-1 and/or end-PointsRed-14-1 are merged.

It is open or closed.

Sketch-Loop Red-14-3

A sketch-pathRed-14-2 that is closed.

Special-case: A Circle is also a sketch-loop.

Add Sketch-Loop of Lines and Arcs.

To add a sketch-loop, the start-Points and end-Points of adjacent sketch-element are merged.


STEP 1: Do Add Line

Add Line

1.Expand the Geometry toolbar to the LEFT of the graphics-area

2.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Line Red-14-1b

Your pointer changes to the Add Line pointer

3.Drag your mouse to add the Line


Mouse-button-down at the start-Point, mouse-button-up at the end-Point of the LineRed-14-2

STEP 2: Do Add Arc - with the Efficient Merge-Point method


1.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Arc Red-14-1b

To add the Arc you must drag two times.

We also need to merge the start-Point of the Arc and the end-Point of the Line.

Drag 1: Hover and Drag

Hover above the end-Point of the Line so it is the selected.

+ Drag: ... mouse-button down ... move your mouse-pointer ... mouse-button-up.

Drag 2: Locate the radius of the Arc

Move your mouse-pointer between the start-Point and end-Point of the Arc.

Mouse-button down, again and drag to approximate the radius of the Arc



STEP 3: Do Steps 1 and 2 two more time to complete a sketch-loop

Add LineGST-Icon-SE-Arc

1.Add two more Lines and two more Arcs with the Merge technique

When you add the last Arc you must close the sketch-elements to complete the sketch-loop.

There are two Drag actions to add the Arc:

Drag 1 of the last ARC:

2.Hover above the end-Point of the next-to-last sketch-element



5.Hover above the start-Point of the first sketch-element...


Drag 2 of the last Arc

Drag again to approximate the radius of the Arc.

The sketch-loop is complete. It should be similar to the image.