T21: Import DXF-Drawing

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T21: Import DXF-Drawing

Import DXF Drawing of Cam

We describe how to import a DXF drawing.

Prepare the model

Ideally, the MechDesigner model represents the Cam and the Follower's kinematic-chains in the machine.

The Cam-Part may be rotating, sliding, stationary, or it may have a complex motion. In this model, we will assume the cam rotates on a cam-shaft.


We can represent the cam-shaft with a rotating-Part.

STEP 1: Open / Import the DXF Drawing into the Assembly-Tree.

1.Select File > Open

2.Select DXF files as the file of type.

3.Browse to find the file

4.Click Open



The DXF element is now at the bottom of the Assembly-Tree.

It has the name of the DXF Drawing.



STEP 2: Edit the CAD-Line to add the DXF Drawing to the CAD-Part

1.Edit the CAD-Line along the Cam-Part.

The CAD-Line dialog is now open.





5.Click the Import SolidWorks sketch button.



Sketch in Part-Editor:

The Points are 'fixed'

There are no dimensions

There are no constraints or relations.


6.Exit the Part-Editor

Sketch in Mechanism-Editor


7.Add a Profile element to the the Import SolidWorks sketch button.

The Profile contours are Pink.

You do not need to Show Solids in Mechanism.