Step 11.2: Add DYADS to the Piggyback Sliders

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Step 11.2: Add DYADS to the Piggyback Sliders

Add 3× R-R-R dyads

Add a dyad between each Piggyback Slider and the Base-Part.

Drive, with a cam or servomotor, one Part in each dyad.

Dyads that we can use.

We can use any of five types of dyad. To keep the the model simple, we will add in this tutorial two R-R-R dyads.

1.First R-R-R dyad: Connect to Slider-X and the Base-Part

2.Second R-R-R dyad: Connect to Slider-Y and the Base-Part

btn_delkeywordR-R-R dyad #1: between Slider-X and the Base-Part
btn_delkeywordR-R-R dyad #2: between Slider-Y and the Base-Part
btn_delkeywordOPTIONAL: R-R-R dyad #3, with a Bell-Crank
btn_delkeywordCalculate the Degrees-of-Freedom and Mobility

How do we move the axes to follow the XY Path?

We can use:

Servomotors : We would need to save the motions of the Parts that you want to drive to a text file, and format it for the servo controller.

Cams and Followers : Add the Follower-Rollers and Cam-Shafts. See Tutorial 6.

btn_delkeywordAdd 2D Cams to Drive the Parts
btn_delkeywordAlternative Configuration of the 2D Cams