Add Point-Cloud FB

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Add Point-Cloud FB

Why should I use a Point-Cloud FB?

Generally, a Point-Cloud is an array of coordinates that specify the shape of a 2D or 3D object. You can use a Point-Cloud FB for many reasons - for example, to reverse-engineer the shape of a Cam. From the shape, you can also reverse-engineer the motion of a Follower.

Use the Point-Cloud FB to:

Import data that represents the shape of a 2D object

Fit a curve to the data and shape of the 2D object

See also : Point-Cloud FB dialog

Add Point-Cloud FB

What to do :


STEP 1Add a Point-Cloud FB to a Part

Add Point-Cloud FB

1.Click Add menu > Add Point-Cloud FB


1.Click Modeling FB toolbar > Add Point-Cloud FB

The Command-Manager has one selection box. You must select a Part.

2.Click a Part in the graphic-area or Assembly-Tree

3.Click OK-tiny-11-15 in the Command-Manager

The Point-Cloud FB is now in the graphic-area.

STEP 2Open the Point-Cloud dialog:

1.Double-click a Point-Cloud FB in the graphic-area or Assembly-Tree


See How to Open a dialog.

The Point-Cloud dialog is now open.

STEP 3See Point-Cloud dialog.

Video :

See YouTube: