... open a dialog

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... open a dialog

How to open a dialog

There are many methods you can use to open an element's dialog.

With all methods, you must be able to select the element. You can select the element in three places:




It may be helpful to use a Selection-Filter to filter for the type of element you want to edit.

See Selection-Filters

To open an element's dialog, do one of these methods:

Click to exapand /collapseMethod 1: Use the Selection-Window
Click to exapand /collapseMethod 2: Double-Click the element
Click to exapand /collapseMethod 3: Right-Click the element
Click to exapand /collapseMethod 4: Edit toolbar > Edit Element tool

Special Cases:

Click to exapand /collapseTo edit a dimension in the Part-Editor
Click to exapand /collapseTo edit a Gear-Pair or 2D-Cam
btn_delkeywordTo edit an Extrusion
Click to exapand /collapseReasons you cannot edit an element