Dialog: Function-Block: Linear-Motion

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Dialog: Function-Block: Linear-Motion

Linear-Motion FB

See Add Linear-Motion FB

The default motion-value at the output-connector from a Linear-Motion FB is equal to the Master-Machine-Angle (MMA).

Use the Linear-Motion dialog to edit .

The parameter, , advances or delays the output relative to the Master-Machine-Angle.

The Linear-Motion FB does not have an input-connector.

Click to exapand /collapseHow to open the Linear-Motion dialog-box

The Linear-Motion dialog is now open.

Linear-Motion dialog

Linear Motion FB dialog

Linear Motion FB dialog

Start-Angle Red-15a-a

Units are degrees

Enter degrees as any real number.

A positive value advances the output relative to the MMA.

A negative value delays the output relative to the MMA.

Output-Options Red-15a-b

Reset each Cycle (default)
Output = Master Machine Angle + Start-Angle Red-15a-a

Output = (Revs × 360) + MMA + Start-Angle Red-15a-a