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The Command-Manager shows in the Project-Explorer when you select other elements to add a more complex element.

Select the other elements from the graphics-area, Assembly-Tree, and/or the Selection-Window.

Command-Manager example :

Command-Manager -  Before you select elements

Command-Manager -
Before you select elements

Add Motion-Dimension FB

Red-14-1b Name of the Command and Short Instruction

Red-14-2 Selection-Boxes - each Selection-Box:

Red-14-3 Above : the type of the element you must select

Red-14-4 Left : an icon to help you identify the type of element

Red-14-5 Right : MD-OK the icon when an element is in the selection-box


Red-14-6 Right : MD-CM-Cross-22x20 the icon when an element is not in the selection-box

Command-Manager - Select elements from top to bottom

Command-Manager -
Select elements from top to bottom


To select the elements for each selection-box:

1.Click an element of the correct type  for the top selection-boxRed-14-8

The next selection-boxRed-14-9 is automatically now is active.

2.Continue to click elements of the correct type for each selection-box

To complete the command:

When the bottom selection-boxRed-14-10a has an element, the OK-tiny-13-17 Red-14-7 is colorized.

To complete the command:

1.Click OK-tiny-13-17 Red-14-7


1. MD-Right-Click-Pointer Right-click in the graphics-area (usually recommended).

To exit or start the command again:

1.Click MD-Cross-16x16 Red-14-7 to exit the command, but do not add the new element.


1.Click MD-Clear19x19 Red-14-7 to clear the elements from all selection-boxes. You must select all of the element again.