3: Project-Explorer

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3: Project-Explorer

BT-3-24 Project-Explorer

The panel that is to the left of the graphics-area is the Project-Explorer.

It has three sections.



The Selection-Window shows the list of elements that you CLICK or SHIFT + Click in the graphics-area or Element-Explorer (see below).


The Command-Manager opens when you need to select other elements from the model to add a new element.

It has a selection-box for each element you need to select.

You can select the elements from the graphics-area or the Element-Explorer (see below).


Explore the Element-Explorer to see the elements that are in the Model-Editor and Mechanism-Editors.

The Element-Explorer has three trees. You can see two trees at a time. You can explore one tree at a time.

In the Model-Editor and Mechanism-Editors, the two trees you can see are the:


Kinematics-Tree - if necessary, click Rebuild Now to compile the Kinematics-Tree

In the Part-Editor, the two trees are the:


Geometry-Tree - if necessary, click Rebuild Now to compile the Geometry-Tree