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The Element-Explorer is at the bottom of the Project-Explorer.

It shows most of the elements that are in the model.

Element-Explorer example:

Example Elements in the Assembly-Tree

Example Elements in the Assembly-Tree


This tree is available in all editor-types.

It is a chronological and hierarchical list of the elements that you have added to the model.


This tree is available when the Model-Editor or any Mechanism-Editor is active.

When possible, it compiles the kinematically-defined Parts into kinematic-chains that consist of Motion-Parts, Dyads, Geared-Rockers, Pulley-Rockers and similar kinematic-elements.

Geometry-Tree (not in image)

This tree is available when the Part-Editor is active.

It is a list of the constraints and dimensions that you have added to or between sketch-elements.

It does not list the sketch-elements.

Element-Explorer and the Graphics-Area

If you click an element in the Element-Explorer it changes to the selected-color in the graphics-area.

If you click an element in the graphics-area, you also select the element in the Element-Explorer.

Open the Application-Settings dialog (see Edit menu) to edit the colors of different element-types.

See: Application-Settings dialog > Graphics tab > Display Colors