Triple-Harmonic Motion-Law

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Triple-Harmonic Motion-Law

Triple-Harmonic Motion-Law

A Traditional Motion-Law

Motion Description

The Triple-Harmonic Motion-Law can approximate the Cycloidal, Modified-Trapezoidal, Modified Sine, Polynomial 3-4-5 Motion-Laws by using the Segment-Parameters


You CAN control the:

Start Position

The Start-Position usually flows from the End-Position of the Previous-Segment.

End Position

You CANNOT control the:

Start Velocity and End Velocity

Start Acceleration and End Acceleration

Start Jerk and End Jerk

Segment Parameters


Three Segment-Parameters:

Red-14-1 First Harmonic

Red-14-2 Second Harmonic

Red-14-3 Third Harmonic (calculated automatically from First Harmonic and Second Harmonic)



End- Range

0 ≤ Start-Range < End-Range ≤ 1

TRIPLE HARMONIC 1st Harmonic = 4.983 ; 2nd Harmonic = 2.6 ; 3rd Harmonic = 0

1st Harmonic = 4.983 ; 2nd Harmonic = 2.6 ; 3rd Harmonic = 0

Triple Harmonic as Approximate Motion-Laws

tog_minusModified Trapezoidal
tog_minusModified Sine
tog_minusPolynomial 3-4-5

Triple Harmonic and other Motion-Laws

tog_minusZero-Jerk at Start, End and Cross-over
tog_minusZero-Jerk at Cross-over
tog_minusZero-Jounce* at Start