Blend-Point: Insert (approximately)

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Blend-Point: Insert (approximately)

Insert Blend-Point (approximately)

To split one segment into two segments.

To add a Blend-Point at the X-axis value that you click with your mouse.

Insert Blend-Point 'Approximately'

Insert Blend-Point 'Approximately'


1.Click Blend-Point & Segment toolbar > Insert Blend-Point

2.Move your mouse-pointer to the place on motion-graph at which you want to Insert a new Blend-Point.

3.Click the motion-graph.


A new Blend-Point splits the Segment at the X-axis value of your mouse-pointer. The segment becomes two segments.

The two Segments have the same motion-law.

Recommended: Use the Blend-Point Editor to move the Blend-Point to an exact X-axis value.

See also:

Insert Blend-Point at

TOP-TIP: Motion Planning