Step 1.3: Edit the Base-Part, Add a Line

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Step 1.3: Edit the Base-Part, Add a Line

Objective of Step 1.3:

To learn

how to open and close the Part-Editor.

how to add and delete a sketch-element, constraints and dimensions.

that some dimensions are negative - it is a MechDesigner rule!

that sketch-elements change their color when they are “fully-defined”.


Tutorial 1: STEP 1.3 Add Line to the Base-Part

Open the Part-Editor to edit the Base-Part.

You use the Part-Editor to add geometry* to a Part.

* Geometry includes sketch-elements, constraints, and dimensions.

Double-click the Base-Part

Double-click the Base-Part

STEP 1: Open the Part-Editor

Use the Double-click method:

1.Double-Click the rectangle that is the Part-Outline of the Base-Part


See also: How to Start the Part-Editor

The Base-Part is now open with Part-Editor.

Details of a Part in the Part-Editor

The Part-Editor

The Part-Editor

The Base-Part - when it is open in the Part-Editor:

We do not show the Part-Outline

The small XY-axes change to large XY-axesRed-14-1b

The Geometry toolbarRed-14-2 is to the left of the graphics-area - click the Expand / Collapse icon to see the vertical toolbar

The Constraints toolbar is to the right of the graphics-area - click the Expand / Collapse icon to see the vertical toolbar

The mouse-pointer changes to the Edit PartRed-14-3 pointer.

We enable the Edit Part in Part-Editor iconRed-14-4

Add a Line to the Base-Part


STEP 1: Start the Add Line command

+ Line 

+ Line

1.Expand the vertical Geometry toolbar to the LEFT of the graphics-area

2.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Line Red-14-1b

The Add Line command is active. Your pointer is now the Add Line pointer.

STEP 2: Add the Line

1.Drag with your mouse-pointer in the graphics-area

The drag technique to add a Line is identical to that for Add Part.

Reminder: Drag is...

In the graphics-area...

... mouse-button down..move your mouse-pointer..mouse-button up.

The Line is now in the Part.

Line in graphic-area

Line in graphic-area

Add Coincident Constraints

You can now add constraints and dimensions to locate the Line.

Usually, add constraints before you add dimensions.


STEP 1: Start the Add Coincident Constraint command

You want a Point* at the end of the Line to be on the X-axis of the Base-Part.


1.Expand the vertical Constraints toolbar to the RIGHT of the graphics-area.

2.Click Constraints toolbar > Add Coincident Constraint Red-14-1b

You must click two elements to add a Coincident constraint.

1.Click the Point*Red-14-2 of the Line that is near to the X-axis

2.Click the X-axis Red-14-3 (which is equivalent to a Line)


If you attempt, but fail, to click the Point* and/or the X-axis, you must click the two elements again.

The Point now has a Coincident constraint with the X-axis.

* start-Point or end-Point of the Line.


Increase the Symbol Size and Selection Size so that it is easier to see and select a symbol in the graphics-area.

Edit menu > Application-Settings > Accessibility tab > Graphics >  Symbol Size (6) / Symbol Selection Size (8)

Add Coincident Constraint

Add Coincident Constraint

Drag Points along the Axes

Drag Points along the Axes

STEP 2: Add a Coincident constraint, again

You also want to constrain a Point* at the other end of the Line to the Y-axis.


If necessary, select Add-Coincident ConstraintRed-14-1 again ... .

As before, you must click two elements to add a Coincident Constraint.

1.Click the Point*Red-14-2 that is near to the Y-axis

2.Click the Y-axisRed-14-3


If you attempt, but fail, to click the Y-axis, you must click the two elements again.

The Point now has a Coincident constraint with the Y-axis.

* start-Point or end-Point of the Line.

STEP 3: Deselect Coincident Constraint

1.Click Add Coincident Constraint to deselect it.

You can drag each Point along each axis.

How to delete a Constraint


You cannot see constraints in the graphics-area.

To delete a constraint

1.SHIFT+Click the sketch-element from which you want to delete the constraint.

The sketch-element and its constraints are now in the Selection-Window.

In the Selection-Window:

2.Right-click the constraint that you want to delete

3.Click Delete element in the shortcut menu.

If you do delete the constraint, then to continue this Tutorial:

Add the constraint again!


Press the CTRL+Z key combination.

Shortcut menu

Shortcut menu

Add Dimensions

Select Point and X-axis to add a dimension

Select Point and X-axis to add a dimension

Dimension dialog

Dimension dialog

STEP 1: Start the Add Dimension command


1.Expand the Geometry toolbar to the LEFT of the graphics-area

2.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Dimension Red-14-1b

The pointer changes to Add Dimension.

STEP 2: Add a Dimension

1.Click the Point on the Y-axisRed-14-2

2.Click the X-axisRed-14-3

The dimension is next to your pointer.

3.Click the graphics-areaRed-14-4 to locate the dimension.

The Dimension dialog opens immediately

STEP 3: Edit the dimension

1.Edit the Dimension = 50.00 mm

Use the Spin-Box tool or enter it directly with your keyboard.

2.Click the Enter key on your keyboard.

Add a Dimension

Add a Dimension

STEP 4: Add one more Dimension

1.Click the Point on the X-axisRed-14-2

2.Click the Y-axisRed-14-3

The dimension is next to your pointer.

3.Click the graphics-areaRed-14-4 to locate the dimension.

The Line changes its color when the Line is fully-constrained.

Note the Negative Dimension

Note the Negative Dimension

The Edit Dimension dialog opens immediately

STEP 4: Edit the dimension

1.Edit the Dimension = –120 mm

The dimension is 120mm in the sketch, not –120. See below: Why is the Dimension negative?

Note, If the number is –100, you need to click the Left Spin-Box arrow to decrease the value to –120.


Why is the Dimension negative?


Coordinate System of a Line, or the Part's Y-axis.

The X-axis and the Y-axis are treated as Lines when you select them to add a dimension.

A Line has a coordinate system : an Origin, +X-axis, and a +Y-axis.

The origin of a Line's coordinate-system is its start-Point.

The +X-axis direction is from the Line's start-Point to its end-Point.

Its +Y-axis direction is +90º from the +X-axis, and on the Mechanism-Plane

Important - the X-axis and Y-axis are also pseudo-Lines, and, therefore, they also have their own Coordinate-Systems.

The +X-axis of the Y-axis is the Y-axis !

When we add a dimension between the Y-axis and Point: we must remember:  

the dimension is positive when the Point is in the +Y-axis direction of the Y-axis

the dimension is negative when the Point is in the –Y-axis direction of the Y-axis

In top image, when we click the X-axis and then a Point that is below the X-axis (c or d in the  green  area), the dimension is negative. As expected.

In bottom image, when we click the Y-axis and then a Point that is anywhere in the +X-axis area (c or d in the  green  area), the dimension is negative. Less expected!


To edit a Dimension

When you add sketch-elements and dimensions, you also need to edit dimensions.

You cannot edit a dimension if a command is active - even if Add Dimension is the active command.

STEP 1: Clear all Commands


1.Click the active command to deselect it

In this case, click the Add Dimension command.



1.Click the ESC (escape) key on your keyboard.


1.Right-click your mouse.



STEP 2: Edit the Dimension

To edit a dimension, we recommend you click the arrowhead of the Dimension you want to edit - it is easy to click.

1.Move you mouse-pointer over the arrowhead of the Dimension. The color of the dimension should be the selected color.



1.Click the arrowhead one time

2.Right-click the Dimension in the Selection-Window

3.Click Edit element in the shortcut menu.

The Dimension dialog is open.

STEP 2.Edit the Dimension

1.Edit the Dimension in the normal way

See also: How to edit a Parameter value

Close the Part Editor

You must close the Part-Editor to return to the Mechanism-Editor.

Close the Part-Editor

Close the Part-Editor

Right-click in graphic-area

Right-click in graphic-area

STEP 1: Close the Part-Editor

There are many methods you can use to close the Part-editor.

For example:

1.Double-click the Y-axisRed-14-1 of the Part.


1.Double-click a sketch-element (e.g. the LineRed-14-2 ) in the Part.


1.Click the graphics-area, to make sure the Selection-Window is empty

2.Right-click your mouse-pointer in the graphics-area

3.Click the Edit-Part in Editor-PartRed-14-3 (or Toggle “Edit-Part” ) at the top of the shortcut menu.

Edit Part in Part-Editor command

Edit Part in Part-Editor command



1.Disable Edit Part in Part-EditorRed-14-4 (or Toggle “Edit-Part” ) command above the Geometry toolbar

You are now in the Mechanism-Editor again.

Save your Mechanism with CTRL+S

Colors of Sketch-elements in the Part-Editor and Mechanism-Editor

See Application-Settings > Graphics tab > Graphic Colors:

Geometry Fully Defined, Geometry Under Defined, Part Solved, and Part Not Solved.

The Line in the Mechanism-Editor

The Line in the Mechanism-Editor

The default colors of a sketch-element (for this Dark Charcoal Theme) in the Part-Editor:

Blue (or similar), indicates it is Under-Defined.

Green (or similar) indicates it is Fully-Defined.

The color of sketch-elements in a Part after you close the Part-Editor. are the same color as the Part-Outline of the Part to which you added the sketch-elements.

That is, in a Mechanism-Editor:

If the Part-Outline* of a Part is Green (or similar), then the color of the sketch-elements in the Part are also Green.

If the Part-Outline* of a Part has a Blue (or similar), then the color of the sketch-elements in the Part are also Blue.

* We will discuss the colors of a Part-Outlines in Step 1.5.

The Base-Part and sketch-elements.

In the Mechanism-Editor:

The Base-Part has a rectangular Part-OutlineRed-14-1

The Part-Outline is Green - it is the color of a Solved Part

The LineRed-14-2 is a sketch-element in the Base-Part. Therefore, it is also Green.