Add 3D-Cam

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Add 3D-Cam


See also 3D-Cam dialog

We recommend you do MD-Globe-www Tutorial 6C: Barrel and Globoidal Cams if you have not used this command before.

Add 3D-Cam and Degrees of Freedom

Add 3D-Cam does NOT remove a Degree-of-Freedom.


3D-Cam :

A 3D-Cam has complex Cam-Flanks that interact with Follower-Rollers. The axis the rotating 3D-Cam is not parallel with the rotating-axes of the Follower-Rollers.

Barrel, Cylindrical, and Globoidal Cams are different types of 3D-Cams.

Globoidal Cams are also known as Roller-Gear-Drives and Ferguson Cams.

Prepare to add a 3D-Cam (typical)

You must prepare the model with five(5) elements.

You must add elements to:

3 Mechanism-Editors on 3 Planes to add a Barrel Cam

4 Mechanism-Editors on 3 Planes to add a Globoidal Cam

All Parts are kinematically-defined before you do Add 3D-Cam.


Rename the Mechanism-Editors to the elements that you must select to add a 3D-Cam. E.g. Cam, Follower, Roller, Blank.

Mechanism: Name-tabs, Light-Bulbs, and Colors

Mechanism: Name-tabs, Light-Bulbs, and Colors

Prepare the view:

Before you start the Add 3D-Cam command, prepare the view to see all five elements.

1.Click Visibility toolbar > Show other Kinematic and Sketch elements


1.Right-click each Mechanism name-tabRed-14-1b with an element you must click to add a 3D-Cad

2.Click Show with other Kinematic and Sketch elements.

The Light-bulbsRed-14-2 should now be orange.

It is easier to select the five elements when you hide Planes and Solids in the graphics-area.

1.Deselect to disable : Visibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanism-Editor


Prepare the five elements and the view so that you can see all 5 elements.

Red-14-1 Part : Follower

Red-14-2 Profile : Follower-Roller

Red-14-3 Part : Cam - in the active Mechanism-Editor

Red-14-4 Profile : Cam-Blank

Red-14-5 Line : Cam-Blank Rotational-Axis

Add 3D Cam


STEP 1: Click Add 3D-Cam


1.Mechanism menu > Add 3D-Cam


1.Machine-elements toolbar > Add 3D-Cam

There are five elements to select in the Command-Manager


STEP 2: Click the five elements, from top-to-bottom, in the graphics-area or the Assembly-Tree.

Red-14-1b Part: Follower: Click the Cyan Part-Outline

Red-14-2 Profile: Follower-Roller: Click the Pink Profile

Red-14-3 Part: Cam: Click the Green Part-Outline in the active Mechanism-Editor

Red-14-4 Profile: Cam-Blank Profile: Click the Yellow Profile (contour)

Red-14-5 Line: Cam-Blank Rotational Axis: Click the Yellow Line

STEP 3: Complete the command

1.Command-Manager: Click OK-tiny-11-15 in the Command-Manager.

Elements to add a 3D-Cam:

Elements to add a 3D-Cam:



You can see the 3D-Cam in the graphics-area.

The 3D-Cam has four surfaces, which enclose the solid volume that you cut from a Cam-Blank. The four surfaces are:

Cam Flank × 2 - one flank for each working side of the Follower-Roller

Floor Surface - a surface to connect the bottom edges of the Cam-Flanks

Top Surface - a surface to connect the top edges of the Cam-Flanks. This surface should be outside of the Cam-Blank.

You should now edit the 3D-Cam parameters: See 3D-Cam dialog


Video: Add 3D-Cam