Add 2D-Cam

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Add 2D-Cam


See also: 2D-Cam dialog

We calculate for you the 2D-Cam from the relative motions of the Cam-Part and Follower-Part, together with the shape of the Follower-Profile.

Add 2D-Cam and Degrees of Freedom

Add 2D-Cam does NOT remove a degree-of-freedom.

tog_minus-DARKCam-Terminology / 2D-Cam Work-flow.

Prepare to add 2D-Cam (typical):

Preparation for Add 2D-Cam

Preparation for Add 2D-Cam

The elements you need in the model before you do Add 2D-Cam:

Cam Red-14-1 - any Part that is kinematically-defined

Follower Red-14-3 - any other Part that is also kinematically-defined

Follower-Profile Red-14-2 - a Profile in the Follower-PartRed-14-3

The Cam usually moves, but it may be stationary.

The Follower usually moves, but it may be stationary.

The Cam and the Follower must move relative to each other.

The Cam-Part and Follower are usually in different kinematic-chains, but this is not necessary.

See also Shape of the Follower-Profile.

Do Add 2D-Cam:


STEP 1: Click Add 2D-Cam

Add 2D-Cam icon

1.Mechanism menu > Add 2D-Cam


1.Machine-elements toolbar > Add 2D-Cam

The command-manager indicates you need to select two elements.


STEP 2: Select the two elements

Element 1 is the Part to which you want to add the 2D-Cam.

1.Click the Part-Outline Red-14-1 in the graphics-area, or the Part element in the Assembly-Tree

Element 2 is the Follower-Profile in the Follower.

2.Click the ProfileRed-14-2 in the graphics-area or the Profile element in the Assembly-Tree

Typically, the Follower-Profile is a Flat-Faced Follower or a Follower-Roller.


STEP 3: Complete the Command

3.Command-Manager: Click OK-tiny-11-15 in the Command-Manager.



Result :


The Inner and Outer 2D-Cams show in the graphics-area.



Result :


A Cam-PlateRed-14-2 as a child to the PartRed-14-1 to which you add 2D-CamRed-14-3.

The 2D-CamRed-14-3 is a child to the Cam-PlateRed-14-2.


The icon for the 2D-Cam element in the Assembly-Tree may warn you that it is a “Bad Cam”.

We base the warning of the “Bad Cam” on the 2D-Cam's minimum Radius-of-Curvature as a percentage of the radius of the Follower-Roller.

The warning limit is controlled in two places:

Default Warning: Control the percentage in Application Settings - see here

Warning of each 2D-Cam: Control the percentage in 2D-Cam dialog > Cam Range and Radius

YOU must make sure the cam is suitable for your needs, even if it is a “Good Cam”.


“Good Cam”


“Bad Cam”

Next Steps:

If Force analysis is important

Configure the Power-Source and select the 2D-Cam as the power source.- see Configure Power-Source

Add Mass-Properties to the important Parts in the model - see CAD-Line dialog

Add a Force Data FB to plot Torques and/or Forces over a machine-cycle - see Force-Data FB, Add Spring FB

If the Cam-Part is a Cam-Shaft, then you can also select a servomotor and gearbox - see Servomotor and Gearbox

Edit the 2D-Cam

Select and edit the 2D-Cam to open the 2D-Cam dialog.

You can display its Pitch-Curve, edit its color, the thickness of the cam-profile, ...

You can estimate the Roller-Life and Cam-Life.

Analyze the Cam over a Machine-Cycle

Add and edit a Cam-Data FB and link it to the 2D-Cam you want to analyze - see Add Cam-Data FB and Cam-Data FB dialog : Cam Analysis

Analysis parameters include: Maximum Shear-Stress, Contact-Force, Radius-of-Curvature, Pressure-Angle, Sliding-Velocity

Calculate and export the Cam-Coordinates in different formats

Add and edit a Cam-Data FB to link it to the 2D-Cam for which you want the Cam-Coordinates - - see Add Cam-Data FB and Cam-Data FB dialog Cam-Coordinates

Calculate the Cam Coordinates as XY-Points or BiArcs.

Export the Cam Coordinates as TXT, DXF, STEP, or export the XY-Points or BiArcs directly to SolidWorks.

Video (EN):

Video: Add 2D-Cam