Add CAD-Control FB

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Add CAD-Control FB

Why should I use a CAD Control FB?

Use a CAD Control FB to synchronize the motion of one or more parts that are in a SolidWorks® Assembly with the motion of same Parts in a MechDesigner model/assembly.

Question: Why do this when MechDesigner is perfect to synchronize the motions of all of the Parts in a model?

Answer:  Because SolidWorks® has useful tools. For example, Collision Verification, Interference Detection, ...

The Clearance Detection tool in SolidWorks® evaluates the exact gap between parts. You can use this tool to check that a 3D-Cam you export to SolidWorks has the same Clearance as the Radial Clearance that you enter in the 3D-Cam dialog.

After you configure the CAD Control dialog, motion-data that controls Parts in MechDesigner model/assembly are piped to the SolidWorks Distance or Angle mates that define the position of a Part in the assembly in SolidWorks®.

See also: CAD Control dialog

Add CAD Control FB

STEP 1Add a CAD-Control FB to the graphic-data


1.Click Function-Blocks menu > CAD-Control


1.Click Modeling FB toolbar > Add CAD-Control FB


2.Click the graphics-area

The CAD-Control FB is in the graphics-area.

STEP 2: Open the CAD-Control dialog:


1.Double-click a CAD-Control FB in the graphics-area


2.See How to Open a dialog.

The CAD-Control dialog is now open.

STEP 3: See CAD Control dialog


Angle mates in SolidWorks® cannot be negative, but they can be in MechDesigner. Thus, you may need to use Gearing FBs to add a constant to the output values so that they have the same minimum and maximum values as those in SolidWorks®.