Add Statistics FB

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Add Statistics FB

Why should I use a Statistics FB?

Statistical data may include values as RMS, Maximum, Minimum, etc. values of a variable (wire data-channel).

Use a Statistics FB to list the Statistical data for the data that is available at the output of a different Function-Block.

See also : Statistics dialog

Add Statistics FB

STEP 1:Add a Statistics FB to the graphics-area

Add Statistics FB

1.Click Function-Blocks menu > Statistics


1.Click Modeling FB toolbar > Add Statistics FB


2.Click the graphics-area

The Statistics FB is now in the graphics-area


STEP 2:Connect a wire to its input-connector

1.Drag a wire from a different FB to the input-connector of the Statistics FB

A wire is now connected to the input-connector of the Statistics FB.

STEP 3.Open the Statistics dialog

1.Double-click a Statistics FB in the graphics-area


1.See How to Open a dialog

The Statistics dialog is now open.

STEP 4:See Statistics dialog


Wires that connect Function-Blocks have 3 Data-Channels (in most cases).

The 3 Data-Channels are usually:

Position, Velocity, Acceleration (Angular or Linear),


Total Force, Force X, Force Y (relative to the Mechanism-Plane)

See Data-Channels for more information.

Compare a Graph FB with a Stats FB:

Graph FB : to plot data over one machine-cycle.

Stats FB : to summarize a machine-cycle of data with different statistical parameters.