-> STL Import tab

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-> STL Import tab

CAD-Line > STL Import tab

See also : CAD-Line dialog

Use the CAD-Line dialog > STL Import tab to:

Import 1 x STL file - this is the way to import CAD models when you do not have SOLIDWORKS

Edit the STL File Units to match those of the linear units of the original STL file

Edit the Edge Angle Limit to remove ghost lines in the CAD-Solid that represents the STL-file

Before you save an STL file in your CAD:

Rotate the model in your CAD to the correct orientation relative to the XY-Plane of the Mechanism-Editor before you import it.

Save the model (in your CAD software) as a Binary STL file-type.

Remember the Linear units. If you cannot edit the STL units, they will be SI units - meters (m).

After you import an STL file:

See Display Options tab to move the STL file in the X, Y, Z-axis directions.

CAD-Line dialog

STL Import tab

CAD-Line dialog > STL Import tab

CAD-Line dialog > STL Import tab

Click to exapand /collapse Import STL File 

STL Files

tog_minusStrategies to reduce the STL file-size.