Dialog: Dimension

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Dialog: Dimension

Dimension dialog

Use the Dimension dialog to edit a dimension.

The Dimension dialog opens immediately when you add a Dimension to a sketch-element.


You cannot open the Dimension dialog when a command is active - even if Add Dimension is the active command.

Deselect all commands to edit a Dimension. E.g. Right-click your mouse, or press the ESC key on your keyboard.

How to open the Dimension dialog (in the Part-Editor)

Edit a dimesnion

Edit a dimesnion

In the Part-Editor, to open the Dimension dialog:

1.Deselect ALL commands

2.Double-Click the arrowhead of a dimension


1.See How to Open a dialog

Note: Nothing happens if you click the dimension number - R34.46 in the image above.

The dimension dialog is now open.

Dimension dialog

Dimension dialog-box

Dimension dialog

To edit the dimension parameter-value in the Dimension dialog, do one or all of these:

Enter a value, and press the enter key (EnterKEy-Simple24) on your keyboard, OR

Enter an equation, and press the enter key (EnterKEy-Simple24) on your keyboard, OR

Use the Spin-Box tool, OR

Right-click the data-box, and use the Zero / Round / Copy / Paste shortcut menu

See also: How to edit a parameter in a dialog